Nobody Can Get These 10 Basic Facts Correct. Can You?

Can you beat the odds and score 10/10?

Andrew Campbell
Created by Andrew Campbell
On Jun 21, 2022
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We gave this test to a group of 850 educated people over the age of 45, and nobody got a perfect 10. Yes, it's a pretty challenging 'smart' quiz. Can you beat these odds?

If you do, don’t forget to share it with everyone you know!

1 / 10

What is the currency of Norway?

2 / 10

The equator passes through which of the following continents?

3 / 10

Who is the only woman to win 2 Nobel prizes?

4 / 10

What is the largest bird in the world?

5 / 10

What are the Roman numerals for 2018?

6 / 10

How many Squares are on a Chessboard?

7 / 10

Where was George Washington born?

8 / 10

What band featured Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers?

9 / 10

Who wrote the novel "Anna Karenina"?

10 / 10

What shape has 8 sides?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021