Can You Beat The Average American At Useless U.S. Trivia?

You won't know until the end of these 25 questions, so prove it with your True/False skills!

Archibald Eagle
Created by Archibald Eagle
On Jun 2, 2017

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2.

The name Jeep came from the abbreviation used in the army for the "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P.

In more than half of all U.S. states, the highest paid public employee in the state is NOT a football coach.

The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado.

California's coastline is longer than all of Alaska's combined.

The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver".

Ronald Reagan is the oldest person ever to have been elected as the President of the USA.

In Cleveland, Ohio, it's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

Pound for pound, American hamburgers cost more than new American cars.

Mark Twain was born and died on days when the Halley's Comet could be seen.

35% of Americans who use personal ads for dating are already married.

Anchorage, Alaska is the largest city in USA at 3000 square miles.

Average life span of a major league baseball: 75 pitches.

The term "the whole 9 yards" is not of American origin.

Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch used to be purple.

Reno is farther east than Los Angeles.

Kool-Aid has ALWAYS been marketed as "KOOL-AID".

At the 2010 Grammy Awards, Taylor Swift won more Grammys (4) than Elvis did his entire career (3).

The Procrastinators' Club of America newsletter is called Last Month's Newsletter.

Curious George was born in America.

Judge Judy makes $45 million a year.

Abraham Lincoln was born in a hospital.

The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springstein's 'Born in the USA.'

The first zoo in America was in Washington, DC.



String up the band! Fireworks! Call the President! YOU'VE DONE IT! You have beaten the average American at Useless U.S. TRIVIA!

This is no small feat, no insignificant insignificance. You have a sincere and vast knowledge of ALL THINGS America - and we couldn't be more proud to call you a fellow citizen of these United States of AMERICA!


My Friend - You ARE The Average American!

My Friend - You ARE The Average American!

REJOICE! You ARE the Average American! What you lack in useless trivial knowledge (which is, after all, useless) you make up for in truth, justice, and patriotism!

You still got plenty of these factoids correct, but now you can tell your friends that your skills lie in NON-USELESS areas of life!

Way to go, citizen!

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