Which Broadchurch Character Are You?

Which character from this dramatic mystery thriller best fits your personality?

Created by AnnonamouslyDyslexic (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 27, 2019

Pick A Color

Pick an Animal

What's Most Important To You?

Pick an Element

Pick a Travel Destnation

Beth Latimer

Beth Latimer

You are a strong individual who values family and makes sure that they are heard.

Mark Latimer

Mark Latimer

You love your family, but also value your time alone. You know how to cheer others up.

Alec Hardy

Alec Hardy

Your hard exterior covers how you really feel. Once people get to know you, they see you aren't as scary as you seem.

Jocelyn Knight

Jocelyn Knight

You are strong and smart, but sometimes you need help opening up to others. You always try to do what's right.

Reverend Paul Coates

Reverend Paul Coates

You always look out for others and try not to judge people too quickly.

Ellie Miller

Ellie Miller

You are a kind person who values family and friends. You are strong and independent, but not afraid to show your feelings.

Claire Ripley

Claire Ripley

You're clever, some would even say manipulative, and willing to do what needs to be done. You know how to take charge when the time comes.

Sharon Bishop

Sharon Bishop

Some may call you cold, but in reality, you would do anything for those you love.

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