Markings quiz

You are now an adult in the eyes of the gods and the elders. It is up to you to take responsibility now, not only with your power, but in everything that you do. These are not delicate abilities, and must be used with caution.

Created by AH (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 24, 2016

Which is Worse ?

Which is Most Useful ?

Favourite Colors ?

Personal Flaws ?

Item That You're Most Drawn To ?



Healing is a most wonderful power to possess. Many people, from all different walks of life, hope to one day hold the power of healing. This particular brand of healing works in a very specific way. In order for the healing to work, the healer must sacrifice a part of themselves. This is usually done through the sacrifice of blood, tears, or anything of a similar nature. Every time you intend to heal, you must recite the Healer's spell; " Take heart, my gift has saved you." It must be repeated three times in order for it to work. Lastly, although your power can heal even the deepest of wounds, it can not save the ones who are gone. If a person has died, or is inevitably going to die, due to their illness or injury, your healing powers will not work, but they can make for a more peaceful departure.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.



Invisibility is a rare power, possessed by very few people. It can be used for immense good, but also for immense evil. Used responsibly, invisibility can be used to save people, like hostages, to hunt, to protect, and to escape danger. However, in the wrong hands this power can cause a lot more damage than good. This particular strain of invisibility allows the possessor to make themselves invisible, as well as items that they touch. Invisibility is very power draining however, can not be used for prolonged periods of time without rest, so be weary.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.



Strength is among the most praised of the powers. With many of its possessors living on to be protectors, leaders, and warriors, strength happens to be the most sought after power in all of Finibus. This particular type of strength allows people to lift, push, break, and withstand, immense amounts of weight, force, and even pain. It is important to note though, that by tapping into your power of strength, you drain its longevity, therefore be weary of how often you use your power without resting in between.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.

Mind Reading

Mind Reading

The ability to mind read is a rare ability among the people of Finibus. For some, it can be a way out of danger, a form of protection, or unfortunately, a form of evil. Those who possess this power tend to work with governments and rulers to help interrogate criminals, and suss out the liars. Although some resent those who possess this ability, many find it a superior gift to have. Mind reading is very tiresome work however, and should only be used for short periods of time.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.

Spell/curse ability

Spell/curse ability

Magic is something so rare and so sought after, that many who possess this particular power, often keep it a secret. Many fear they will be used, enslaved, or even killed for their abilities, an unfortunate side effect of possessing magical ability. Your powers can be used for good, but can also be used for evil. Your power allows you to cast spells only those with your strain of enchantment can conjure. This also applies to curses, and among all other powers, must be used with extreme caution. Be careful who you trust, and remember that your ability can alter who you become done the line, be wise.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.



Speed is one of the more, underrated gifts. Although not many possess this power, those who do find it rather amazing. This gift can be used to protect, escape, steal, hide, and travel far distances in short amounts of time. Many of those who possess this power work as messengers, emergency service people, and unfortunately, thieves. Your power can be quite draining, and so it is advised that you rest in between uses.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.



Death, the single most underrated and under appreciated gift of them all. This power, although incredibly dangerous, can be used for immense good in the right hands. The ability of death is not an easy one, and takes much preparation in order for it to be successful. Many use this power to help those suffering to move on, allowing them to descend into the afterlife. This power can also be used to age things in nature, like trees, fruits, and animals. In the wrong hands this power can be used for murder, and is closely observed by authorities. Many will fear you, resent you, and perhaps outcast you, but those who get to see the true beauty in your power, will view you as a god.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.



Life, the epitome of power. Your ability is among the most dramatic of al the powers. Resurrection is a very serious thing, and must be done properly if it is to work. Those who possess this power must work hard to master it, as there are certain situations where their gift may not work. You have the ability to grow plants, and revive those who have recently passed. However, your powers are worthless against someone who has been killed by one who possesses the power of death. Once a person as been dead for longer than a full sun rotation, your power will serve useless. Keep this in mind.

You can choose the actual marking on the skin (tattoo). Be creative though, and try and relate it to your power somehow.

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