How Sharp Is Your Vision?

Is your vision as clear as a shark, a jet pilot, or maybe an infrared machine?

Annie Collins
Created by Annie Collins
On Mar 29, 2017

Shark Vision

Shark Vision

You can detect small objects from a far distance and zoom in on them without losing them in the process.
Because of your high quality vision, your other senses and instincts have become stronger as well. You are constantly aware of what's going on around you and your extremely developed consciousness makes you a super human.

Infrared Vision

Infrared Vision

You are drawn to things that speak to you on a much deeper lever, rather than just focusing on the biggest, most colorful object in your immediate environment.
For something to get your full attention, it needs to approach you on a much deeper level. Your emotions need to speak with your eyes and your environment. Without an emotional connection, you might as well be looking at a blank space.
This quality is very rare and very special in people. It usually hits on a very smart and emotionally mature person who enjoys connecting with the world around him.

Pilot Vision

Pilot Vision

Your eyesight and your brain are connected in a very powerful way.
Your brain works faster than 95% of the human population when it comes to identifying objects, colors and faces. Your eyes and brain have an amazingly fast connection and you comprehend and analyze situations with an almost super-human speed.

Color Blind

Color Blind

Although your eyes might have a little trouble identifying colors, they excel when it comes to identifying shades.
This doesn't mean you're completely color blind, and means that your brain needs a bit more time analyzing the colors your eyes see.
However, you can analyze different shades much quicker than other people, which means that you have a better eye for details than other people.

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