This X Men Poster Of Oscar Isaac Choking Jennifer Lawrence Is Making Everyone Angry

FOX has since apologized for the image and undergone steps to remove it. Do you agree with their decision?

Angel Estrada
Created by Angel Estrada
On Mar 29, 2017


Report say

X-Men: Apocalypse looks to be set for more controversy as actress Rose McGowan (not to be confused with the film's own Rose Byrne) is slamming the use of a poster depicting the film's titular villain violently chocking Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique.

Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan say

“There is no context in the ad, just a woman getting strangled. The fact that no one flagged this is offensive and frankly, stupid. The geniuses behind this, and I use that term lightly, need to to take a long hard look at the mirror and see how they are contributing to society.”


Report say

The scene depicts a crucial moment in the film's plot where Apocalypse is finally able to get ahold of Lawrence's shape-shifting mutant.

Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan say

“Imagine if it were a black man being strangled by a white man,” she continued. “Or a gay male being strangled by a hetero. The outcry would be enormous. So let’s right this wrong. 20th Century Fox, since you can’t manage to put any women directors on your slate for the next two years, how about you at least replace your ad?”


Report say

McGowan is not backing down, and urges the public to consider the ramifications of depicting violence against women as "causal" or "mainstream".

Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan say

“I’ll close with a text my friend sent, a conversation with his daughter. It follows: ‘My daughter and I were just having a deep discussion on the brutality of that hideous X-Men poster yesterday. Her words: ‘Dad, why is that monster man committing violence against a woman?’ This from a 9-year-old. If she can see it, why can’t Fox?”



Report say

Since her initial outrage, Twitter has been a'blaze with reactionary comments & questions:

Lawgend @ iFancyJLaw

Lawgend @ iFancyJLaw say

Rose McGowan nailed it in the head about that damn ad of Apocalypse choking Mystique


FLS @Feminist Lawyers

FLS @Feminist Lawyers say

Usual put downs by readers in this article Bravo @guardian for its ongoing reporting on feminist issues regardless


⭐️Kurt Lockwood

⭐️Kurt Lockwood say

@THR @rosemcgowan needs to STFU
its a movie poster featuring a FICTIONAL monster
does PC police Rose also wanna ban Aeschylus? Frankenstein?


Eric @EJorgie21

Eric @EJorgie21 say

@THR this is a joke right? It's a main part of the film. No one is advocating violence against women. #everyoneoffendedbyeverythingin2016


Viola Hayden @ VeeHayden

Viola Hayden @ VeeHayden say

'So how we gonna sell this movie?'
'J Law?'
'Looking badass?'
'No, in a chokehold'
Yea, I'm in Camp Unimpressed

Laura @laurondo

Laura @laurondo say

I'm surprised it has taken someone this long to comment on that X-Men Apocalypse poster. But... it's a movie about mutants at war, guys



Report say

Perhaps the following image sums up best why this heavily-used image is making some uncomfortable:

Allan Shifman @allanshifman

Allan Shifman @allanshifman say

This #XMenApocalypse billboard of Oscar Isaac choking Jennifer Lawrence is a pleasant backdrop for date night.



Report say

UPDATE: FOX has since apologized for the image and undergone steps to remove it from advertisement.

Do you think the studio messed up from the start, or has nothing to apologize for?

What do you think?

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