3 In 7 People Remember Numbers Better Than Colors, Do You?

Do you have colorful memory?

Angela Argo
Created by Angela Argo
On Mar 25, 2019

You remember colors better than numbers

You remember colors better than numbers

You have exceptionally developed color memory! Your vision is impeccable and you can easily and quickly identify different colors and store them in your in your memory. You are a very visual learner, when something is put in front of you, you have photographic memory capabilities - you can easily store images in your brain and retrieve them later.

You remember numbers better than colors

You remember numbers better than colors

Ok - We're impressed! Not only does this result indicate a strong numerical memory, but extremely adept short-term and long-term memory as well! You've got a knack for remembering minute details and are skilled in organizing concepts mentally as well as physically. You're the kind of person who can still memorize a phone number, while the rest of us are completely dependent on our contacts list. Make sure to keep up those mental exercises and satiate that incredible brain of yours!

You remember both equally as well

You remember both equally as well

Incredible! You appear to have powerful color and numerical memory! Your vision is impeccable and you can easily and quickly identify different colors and store them in your in your memory. You're also the kind of person who can still memorize a phone number, while the rest of us are completely dependent on our contacts list. Make sure to keep up those mental exercises and satiate that incredible brain of yours!

Your Strength Lies in Sensory and Emotional Memory

Your Strength Lies in Sensory and Emotional Memory

You may not be a numbers person, but this result indicates that you have sensory and emotional memory in spades. Math was never your favorite subject, was it? You're sensory and emotional awareness gives you a sort of roadmap of past life experiences through your five senses, and you guide yourself through instinct and by the subconscious memories of emotional encounters of the past. Numbers? Who needs them.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021