Will You Pass Your Final Exams?

If you pass this quiz, you WILL pass your finals!

Amanda Forbes
Created by Amanda Forbes (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 12, 2017

Did you go to class?

On average, how many hours do you spend on homework and studying each day?

How many nights during the week do you go out?

Pick a study snack:

On a scale of 0-5, rate your stress levels:

Which of the following authors wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?

The world's tallest building is...

Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer one?


Obviously! You’re a Genius

Obviously! You’re a Genius

Nobody is more ready for finals than you. Your brain is full of so much knowledge that these exams will be a piece of cake. You barely need to study because you are already so prepared. You haven’t missed a single class and test-taking is easy for you. All you gotta do is show up and you’ll get an A!

Yes! You're a Rock Star

Yes! You're a Rock Star

You’re about to rock your exams. You’ve studied for days and all your hard work is going to pay off. You are extremely studious and focused. You prioritize your grades over everything else, especially during finals week. Prepping for exams was super stressful, but don’t worry, you’ll get that time to relax very soon. Winter break is just around the corner!

Maybe You Should Start Studying . . .

Maybe You Should Start Studying . . .

Finals are fast approaching. . . you better start studying now! It’s not too late to open your book and read a few chapters. Just a little bit of work will go a long way. You went to class (well at least you said you did) so all you have need is a little refresher. If you study, you’ll do just fine on your exams!

Time To Cram!!!!

Time To Cram!!!!

Okay so maybe you had a little too much fun this semester, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ace your exams (or at least get a passing grade). It’s time to buckle down and start studying. Cramming is stressful, but it can work! And even if it doesn’t, you can forget about about school over break and then start fresh in January.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021