Real Madrid
Real Madrid
Re-creation of the Real Madrid funny Whatsapp chat in Spanish, translating in English. Chat found on Youtube, Isco reacting to it.
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By the way, this is not a real conversation between the current and former Real Madrid Players. Enjoy!
Re-creation of the Real Madrid funny Whatsapp chat in Spanish, translating in English. Chat found on Youtube, Isco reacting to it.
Link :
By the way, this is not a real conversation between the current and former Real Madrid Players. Enjoy!

Pelicula / Movie
Hola Chavales! Vamos al cine el viernes todos juntos? / Hey guys! Shall we all go to the movie theater on friday?
Yo es que soy mas de teatro / Well, I'm more of a theater kind of person
Keylor Navas
Yo hago las palomitas! / I'll make the popcorn!
Yo voy! Asi salgo un rato! / I'll go! That way i'll have something to do!
A mi grabadmelo por el movil y lo veo en Periscope, que estoy de resaca de celebrar La Liga / Record it on your phone for me and i'll watch it through Periscope, since i'm hungover from celebrating La Liga
Yo no puedo, me voy a circuito de Sesena a quemar rueda / I can't, im going to circuit Sesena
Si quereis podemos ver la pelicula "Cristiano. La leyenda del Dios del futbol". Escrita por Cristiano Ronaldo. Protagonizada por Cristiano Ronaldo. Dirigida por Cristiano Ronaldo, con mi productora "La Humildad Producciones"
Translation : If you want we can watch the movie "Cristiano. The legend of the God of Soccer". Written by Cristiano Ronaldo. Starred by Cristiano Ronaldo. Directed by Cristiano Ronaldo with my producer "Humility Produccions"
Neymar's Father
Chicos, yo saco las entradas para todos. Mandadme 4,000 euros a esta cuenta : 499390293920393939. Concepto : Palomitas. / Guys, I'll buy the tickets. Send me 4.000 euros to this account : 499390293920393939. Concept : Popcorn
Muchachos, sacamos las entradas todos juntos, eh??? Apretando las filas del medio, tapando a los de atras!! Vamos a ocupar los laterales y todos muy juntos!! /
Boys, we'll get tickets all together, huh??? Squeezing in the middle rows, covering the back!! We are going to occupy the sides and all very close together!!
Echan Dracula? Que drama de pelicula. Un tipo que mordio una vez a uno y lo crucificaron!! / You know the movie Dracula? So much drama. A guy who once bit someone and they crucified him!!
Elegid una peli tranquilita, que el otro dia vi "Jungla de Cristal" y me he roto el cruzado / Choose a chill movie, the other day I saw "Die Hard" and I broke the crusader
La vemos en version original? / Should we watch the original version?
Bueno, yo ya voy otro dia entonces / Well, i'll go another day then
Yo no puedo. Se me ha vuelto a atascar el sumidero de la ducha. No se porque me pasa tanto... / I can't. The sink in the shower has clogged up again. I don't know why it happens so much...
Cuenta conmigo! Ya sabes que no fallo! / Count on me! You know I never fail!
Que? Eh dicho algo gracioso? / What? Have I said something funny?
Mejor si quereis quedamos en casa y vemos todo lo que grabe en la celebracion de cuando ganamos en La Liga / If you guys want, you can come over and watch everything I recorded from when we won La Liga
Ah! Tienes video? Genial, pues grabame la final de la Champions, que no la podre ver porque tengo que ir a trabajar! / Oh! You have the video? Great, well record the Champion league final for me, since I will not be watching it because i will be working!
Gracias por leer, espero que les gusto! No se olviden de ver el video original en YouTube. Link en la descripcion / Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and understood the story. It was especially difficult to translate since jokes in Spanish aren't always the same in English. Don't forget to watch the original video on Youtube! Link in description