Which Member Of Guns N' Roses Are You?

Find out which member of Guns N' Roses you are most like.

80s Groupie
Created by 80s Groupie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Which town would be your hometown?

You roll up to the Rainbow Bar & Grill with your bandmates, which alcoholic beverage are you most likely to order from the bar?

Your growing alcohol problem has landed you with a killer hangover and a loosened appetite for liquor. Which non-alcoholic beverage do you resort to?

You're on a flight to the UK, your bladder feels like it's about to explode, but the restroom is in use and it doesn't look like it will be vacant any time soon. What do you do?

What would you most likely be arrested for?

Where can you be found chilling on the Sunset Strip?

You and your buds hit Tower Records looking for a cheap record to give a go. Which record is worth the small amount of money you have to your name?

How do you like your ladies?

What's your favourite music video?

You've just finished a big world tour, how do you relax?

What is the reason behind your smoking hot girlfriend suddenly dumping you out of nowhere?

What is your bad obsession?

Axl Rose

Axl Rose

You're just like the crazy, red-headed, bandana wearing, frontman Axl Rose! A guy that you certainly don't want to mess with, he was known for both his onstage and off-stage antics. Coming from a dysfunctional household, this vocal powerhouse made a name for himself when he started showing the devilish side of himself. Causing multiple riots, and being charged with battery and public intoxication. He found himself in and out of jail as a kid and later in life found himself sitting in court rooms. Major events that gave him his reputation are events such as the riots he caused, the accusations of domestic violence, countless brawls, and that one time he smashed a wine bottle over his neighbour's head. It seems that you're very similar to this little red-headed dynamite, and you're someone that should definitely not be messed with.



Lucky you! You're just like the guitar god himself, Slash. Suffering with alcoholism throughout most of his career, he somehow managed to stay on top and come out of Guns N' Roses alive. Even after the truckloads of heroin, cocaine and cannabis that he abused, magically he's still kicking and shredding on that guitar. You possess the same addictive trait that Slash does, making it difficult for you to keep out of trouble. On the flipside, you're one hell of a resilient person that could endure almost anything. Even if that means the the truckloads of drugs and liquor mentioned earlier, don't go trying this at home.

Izzy Stradlin

Izzy Stradlin

It seems that you're much like the quiet Mr. Izzy Stradlin. A hugely underrated member of Guns N' Roses, he was the mastermind behind quite a few of the bands hits and other exceptional songs on the bands discography. You're a very talented and underrated person like Izzy, which a lot of people don't get to see that super duper talented side of you because of your introverted approach. But don't let that hold you back, just find a friend just as extroverted and talented as Axl Rose and you'll make it in life.

Duff McKagan

Duff McKagan

You're Duff McKagan! A Seattle-native punk that lived the rock n' roll lifestyle to the max. As his motto goes, 'live fast, die young''. He didn't think he'd make it to thirty years old in the way that he was heading, but here he is in his fifties. Happily married with two daughters. He came out best after Guns N' Roses, sobering up and settling down into a normal life. You possess a similar point of view on life too, living fast and dying young. It may be a thrill to be living fast, but when you come out of it alive there will be a huge amount of regret. So be careful in the way that you live, you don't want to end up like Duff whose alcoholism almost took his life.

Steven Adler

Steven Adler

You're much like the cinnamon bun himself! Steven 'Popcorn' Adler. You're a very underrated but amazingly gifted human being. Although you look like a complete and utter angel, you're a complete sinner. Adler was known for his monster drumming skills, and the mountains of drugs he consumed which eventually landed him broke and fired from the band. Apart from all of the drugs, alcohol, and sex, Adler was definitely the brightest member of Guns N' Roses. With a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, he was most definitely one of the most caring, loving and dedicated members of the band.

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