Which Pokemon Is Your Personality Twin?
Which Pokemon Is Your Personality Twin?
Ever wonder which Pokemon you're REALLY most like? Find out now!
Ever wonder which Pokemon you're REALLY most like? Find out now!

Older Generations or Newer Generations?
How would you describe yourself?
Choose an Eeveelution
How do you handle conflict?
Do you believe in destiny?
What's your approach to Pokemon Battles (or arguments)?
Choose a legendary Pokemon duo or trio:
Which starter Pokemon type do you usually pick?
Charizard's are notoriously hot-headed (no kidding!) and nearly impossible to tame and train. Even one of the greatest trainers alive, Ash Ketchum, wasn't able to get you to listen 90% of the time. You're fierce, aggressive, and stand your grown at all times. Conflict is a part of your life but you know that doing your own thing is the only way to go. You're a force to be reckoned with, not to be reasoned with.
You're the Bug/Poison Pokemon Kakuna. You're guarded and it takes a great deal of effort for you to accept someone new as part of your life. You may seem quiet and unthreatening to those who don't know you, but if you're pushed the wrong way you evolve into Beedrill, one of the fiercest poison Pokemon known to date. Your stingers are hidden under your many evolutionary layers just as your true potential as a person is hidden, making you a diamond in the rough.
Castform is a Normal type Pokemon known for its ability to change forms based on the current weather. Your mood is probably greatly impacted by the weather, you read and listen to your horoscope, and you do your best to reach your destined fate. However, when you care passionately enough about something, you don't leave it to chance and aren't afraid to take matters into your own hands. Castform has the power to strategically affect its form by controlling the surrounding weather, just as you hold the power to make what you want out of your life.
You're the Normal/Flying Pokemon known as Noctowl. Noctowl are silent and wise Pokemon that usually value the power of analysis and critical thinking. You prefer to watch and wait for the right moment before making any decisions. You're graceful and intelligent, and probably are a bit of a night owl yourself, so to speak.
You're the electric Pokemon known as Pichu. Pichu is a social Pokemon known for its playful and mischievous behavior. You love having a good time and you're always just a ball of energy waiting to be released. One of your highest priorities in your life is friendship, just as Pichu levels up when its trainer achieves a high level of the friendship stat, you can only achieve personal growth with the aid of true friends by your side.
You're the Dark/Ice type Pokemon Sneasel. You're the cool kid, the one who always seems to have their life together, the one that little kids are probably a little bit afraid of but in an awe-inspiring kind of way. You never shy away from taking the low road and aren't afraid to get down and dirty to get your way. Calm, collected, and cunning, you glide through life at the pace you set for yourself and let nothing stand in your way. Also, you probably own a leather jacket.