Which of my OC's would be your best friend?

Which of my OC's should be your best friend? Find out now!

Maddy Boone
Created by Maddy Boone (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 30, 2015

What were you like when you were little?

What's your opinion on selfies?

What's your favorite color?

How many best friends do you have?

How many siblings do you have?

Do you have a bad temper?

Which of these are you good at?



You're Maddy! Which is my main OC! She's easygoing, optimistic, loves Batman (hope you do too) and is a great conversationalist. She's a best selling author and has a little sister, she is definitely someone you'd wanna hang out with.



You got Kali! She's incredibly smart for her age, loves to read, and hang out with her friends. She studies architectural design in college, and is doing pretty well in it too. She likes to have fun and to be loud, she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and always gives good advice to her friends.



BB is a young pegasus filly who lives in Ponyville. She's got an older sister, who is also a pegasus, she loves Minecraft and video games in general. She also takes a ballet class for an after school activity, dancing is her passion! BB is energetic and fun loving, just don't get on her bad side, she's a green belt in karate.



Leah is a science fiction NERD! She loves things such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Star Treck. She is also a hug anime fan and an AMAZING singer! She's funny, outgoing, lovable, and a great friend to have.



Piper is an average run of the mill girl. She's a first chair flute playerin her school band. She has an older sister, and although they fight sometimes, thy still love each other to death. Piper can be a bit stubborn sometimes,but we all have our moment. She's also a huge collecter fan, so if you're into that, Piper's the kind of girl for you.



Destiny is a great person to hang out with. She's funny, lovable, and if you're really close to her, she's gonna tease you...a lot...
She is still one of a kind and is sure to make your day if you ever feel down.

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