Most Adults Cannot Pass A 3rd Grade Spelling Test. Can You?

You have to get at least 17/23 to pass this test.

Kevin Castro
Created by Kevin Castro
On Jun 2, 2017

A preface or an introduction is a:

To draw out a reaction is to:

An elevated structure in a church is an:

Which of the following is used as an object, rather than a subject?

Not interested is:

Guarded and reserved is:

To praise is to:

A signal for action is a:

Satisfied is:

Relating to climate is:

A group of musical notes is:

To break or violate is to:

The standing height of a body is:

Relating to the mouth is:

A passage between rows is an:

To change is to:

Strongly disinclined is:

Inherent is:

Standing still is:

Lacking a sense of restraint is:

Most important is:

A city that is the seat of the government is a:

To smash is to:

Congratulations!! You passed a 3rd grade spelling test.

Congratulations!! You passed a 3rd grade spelling test.

You passed a 3rd grade spelling test. Only 4% of the population score this high. You must be exceptionally smart (at least as smart as a 3rd grader). Are you surprised? Let us know in a comment below, and share the test to challenge everyone you know.

You didn't pass a 3rd grade spelling test.

You didn't pass a 3rd grade spelling test.

You failed this 3rd grade spelling test. Share it to challenge everyone you know.