Which Energy Moves You According To Your Zodiac?

Our bodies are ruled by a Life Energy, and its effects are most apparent when the stars align.

Kayla Walters
Created by Kayla Walters
On May 25, 2016

What is the most important type of balance?

You have been asked to revitalize & lead an Ancient Civilization. Which do you bring back to life?

You always follow your. . .

Which negative emotion do you avoid feeling?

Choose a constellation to guide you

How would you try to fix the world's problems?

How does the sunrise affect you emotionally?

If you had the ability to live within another element's realm, which would it be?

Radiant Energy

Radiant Energy

You have Radiant Energy! You are motivated by passion and determination. You are a shooting star who shines light on everyone you touch. You truly are a ray of sunshine and consistently allow yourself to feed off of the wonderful people in your life and them doing so in return. In order to receive warmth, you not only understand but believe that you must give it out as well. However, your insight and depth perception do not go unnoticed. Being in your presence and discussing the more consequential aspects of life travel through ears as well as minds, leaving a lasting impression on the way everyone should see the world with hopeful hearts and big eyes. Your energy inspires others to go after their dreams.

Healing Energy

Healing Energy

You have Healing Energy! You are always striving to improve and make things better. You possess the power to heal yourself and others in vastly different ways; emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Leading a healthy lifestyle is important to you and you never underestimate the impact that a psyche can have on a person's physical well being. If we're going to get through this life in one piece, we need to take care of ourselves beyond the typical nutrition and exercise, right? Therefore, this type of energy labels you as the guru of internal peace and clarity. Other people come to you to discuss their problems, close their open wounds, and to possibly make sense of the explainable things that happen to us. You believe that we can always bounce back from what knocks us down, coming back and healing to a state of being stronger than before.

Metaphysical Energy

Metaphysical Energy

You have Metaphysical Energy! This is a vital energy force making you a transformative, adaptive and very empathetic individual. You can almost practice transference in a mystical sense, allowing you to take on the presence or being of another life form (or at least putting yourself in their shoes). This highly contributes to your own spiritual development making you more understanding in your relationships and personal endeavors. Not to mention, it makes you an easy, non-judgmental person to be around. You're also an advocate for mind over matter; while being aware that the mind and body work well together, you also recognize that fundamental energy is the core of our life source, which drives our minds to exercise its potential strength.

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy

You have Psychic Energy! We get the feeling that there's a certain sixth sense you're harboring. Or maybe you haven't unleashed the most supernatural side of your energy source yet? If this is true, then we think it's time you explore this! You're typically in tune with your dreams and tend to go with your natural instincts, allowing you to maintain that air of mystery and intrigue we all crave in our personal image. Friends and family often come to you for your gut feeling based advice since you're usually right about most things. You have the clairvoyant ability to see beyond what's right in front of you. Your motivation doesn't necessarily need a specific driving force or purpose behind it either. Why is that? Because you go with flow and possess the natural ability to trust yourself from within, and this is a quality that many people desire. Your ability to sense things before they happen is uncanny, but the way you can also pick up on another individual's vibe without immediate communication is even more impressive. Examine your potential "Third Sight", and see if you can let it loose!

Divine Energy

Divine Energy

You have Divine Energy! Your presence contains a sense of faith and spirituality that can't be replicated by most. You are motivated by a higher power and have a strong moral compass. Because you are deeply committed to your values, you are a great example for humanity and how we should treat one another in terms of love, respect, and guidance. To be divine is to be admired, which is a result of being kind and generous. While this type of energy may come along with some social and personal pressures, we know you can handle it and we know you appreciate the good that comes out of it. To exude this imperative source of energy makes you a calm, laid back individual, and we aren't surprised by this one bit. After all, no one ever created change in the world by losing control over their mind and forgetting what matters most to them.

Mana Energy

Mana Energy

You have Mana Energy! You believe in being a naturalist, completely in touch with your old soul and belonging to the elemental forces of the Earth. You are very self-aware, calm, and balanced. By following your energy source, we can regain true sense of ourselves if we connect with the environment around us and let go of any material objects that hinder our ability to see the beauty in our original form. In return, this makes you an incredibly comfortable person to be around, providing a passageway for real relaxation. There doesn't need to be constant communication or a lot of activity for you to be in the company of another person- you provide support, care or comfort with just your pleasant demeanor and contagious smile. Your Mana Energy outwardly supplies a form of enlightenment that can be absorbed or interpreted by anyone who is willing to learn from you.

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