How well do you remember Twin Peaks?

As David Lynch and Mark Frost's seminal series returns after a 25-year hiatus, it's time to jog your memory with these questions.

Johnston Press Digital
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On May 19, 2017
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When first describing the town of Twin Peaks, what did Agent Dale Cooper say he'd "never seen so many of in his life"?

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Who discovered the body of Laura Palmer?

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What's the name of the spirit who inhabits the body of a one-armed travelling shoe salesman?

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Which character does Laura Palmer actress Sheryl Lee also play in Twin Peaks?

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What was the name of the cross-dressing FBI agent played by a young David Duchovny?

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Which household item was Nadine Hurley obsessed with?

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What's the title of the song James Hurley sings with Donna and Maddy on backing vocals?

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What's the name of the soap opera within Twin Peaks?

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Who said this: "Cooper, you remind me today of a small Mexican chi-wow-wow"?

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Who shoots Leo Johnson, putting him in a coma?

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What does Laura Palmer say to Dale Cooper in the Black Lodge?

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How does Andy Brennan find the boots and cocaine at Leo's home?

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Where does Lucy Moran's other love interest, Dick Tremayne, work?

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How does Ben Horne's nervous breakdown manifest itself?

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Who says: "The owls are not what they seem"?

Questions left
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