Celebrity Heart Health Quiz

It's always sad when a favorite celebrity dies. It's especially sad when that death could have been prevented. At least 200,000 heart attacks are preventable each year! In honor of Heart Health Awareness month, we made this quiz. Can you guess which of these celebrities suffered a heart attack?

Walk In Lab
Created by Walk In Lab (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10

Did Jim Morrison die of a heart attack?

2 / 10

Did John Candy die of a heart attack?

3 / 10

Did Lucky Luciano die of a heart attack?

4 / 10

Did Clark Gable die of a heart attack?

5 / 10

Did Brittany Murphy die of a heart attack?

6 / 10

Did Shoeless Joe Jackson die of a heart attack?

7 / 10

Did John Ritter die of a heart attack?

8 / 10

Did Orville Redenbacher die of a heart attack?

9 / 10

Did George Steinbrenner die of a heart attack?

10 / 10

Did Elvis Presley die of a heart attack?

Questions left
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