6 Ways Apple Pay Totally Pays Off for OU Students

Starting this week, Sooners are now able to pay for items at any one of OU’s 400 point-of-service locations — everywhere from the One University Store to Couch Restaurants and the OU Bookstore. That’s right: Buying textbooks, technology and food on campus has never been easier — or more techy.

In honor of Apple Pay’s arrival to OU, we’ve rounded up six reasons having Apple Pay campus wide is so awesome.

University of Oklahoma
Created by University of Oklahoma (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 31, 2015

You get to say you attend the first university to get Apple Pay campus wide

Man, it feels good to come in first, and we think our students agree. The University of Oklahoma is paving the way for other schools to make their student purchases easier than ever. You're welcome, world.


You can pay without reaching for your wallet (it’s basically Harry Potter-level wizardry)

No more rummaging through your book bag or purse and hoping you find your wallet by the time you’re eye to eye with the Starbucks barista. As long as you’ve got your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus in hand, you’re as good as gold. “Is it magic?” they’ll ask. No, but it’s the next closest thing.


No fumbling with credit cards or cash

Remember that time you were at the cash register for, like, five straight minutes looking for a credit card that was already in your hand? Or thought you had enough cash in your wallet, but didn't? We've all been there. Those are follies of the past thanks to Apple Pay. Grab your breakfast at Einstein Bros Bagels, lunch in the Caf or dinner at Qdoba with ease, and keep that elusive wallet out of the equation.


We literally have no words for how stinkin’ secure your transactions will be

Your credit card number is never stored on your phone or sent with a payment, so Apple Pay cuts down on the number of times you’ll have to hand your credit card information over in public. What’s that feeling? Oh, just the comforting warmth of privacy and security enveloping you.


Because, all the cool kids are doing it

OU students love keeping up with the latest trends, and ever since Apple Pay was unveiled in the U.S., Sooners have been eagerly awaiting its arrival to campus. You’ll start seeing more and more students around campus getting behind Apple Pay and taking advantage of the convenience and security of it. (But, using it or not, our students are never not the cool kids.)


Because you know OU always has a new, innovative surprise up its sleeve

Watch out! New digitally driven surprises are a fact of life around here, so you’ve got to be ready. Whether we’re announcing a new iPad program (congrats, Pride of Oklahoma!) or techy ways to order food around campus (high five, Tapingo app!), OU is always on the cusp of bringing something new to campus to enhance the student experience.

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