What farm animal would you be?

Unicorn 823
Created by Unicorn 823(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 28, 2018
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Do you like to live in groups?

Are you a fast runner?

Do you like producing things for other people to use?

What kinds of food do you eat?

What texture do you like to feel the most?



You are a horse! You are a fast runner. You're a beautiful animal. You only breathe through your nostrils.



You are a donkey! You are kind of like a horse. You are very fuzzy. You're not a very popular farm animal, but you sure are cute!



You are a chicken! If you are a female, you produce eggs. You have webbed feet. You are a very popular farm animal.



You are a duck! You are mostly used for producing eggs, though most people prefer chickens. You are sometimes found in the wild, swimming in lakes.



You are a goat! You prefer living in the mountains where you can have stone to walk on, but you usually don't try to escape your home. You enjoy the free food and the love you get too much.



You are a pig! Most people think that you like being dirty, but you only do it to keep cool on hot days. Even though you are a clean animal, you are a sloppy eater. You don't really care what you eat, as long as it's food. You may spill a lot of food on the ground, but at least you pick up after yourself by eating it!



You are a sheep! You are a very soft creature, until humans shave you to keep you cool in the hot spring and summer days. Your wool is used for making a lot of things, like clothes. People just don't thank you enough!



You are a cow! You eat grass, even if you're not hungry. If you're not eating, drinking, or sleeping, then you are standing patiently while humans collect your milk. Milk is used worldwide. Humans don't have a right to take your milk without giving you plenty of love, for so many people drink it!

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