Are You A Positive Or Negative Person?

Do you see the glass as 'half full' or 'half empty'? This insightful personality quiz will help you figure out if you are more of a positive or negative thinker about situations in life.

Created by TeacherQuizzes (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 6, 2017

How do you usually feel before you sleep?

What's your opinion on school?

You took a test you got 7 out of 10. What do you think

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?

A friend ask you for help with their homework.

You feel overwhelmed and you need get stuff done. What are you thinking about?

The waitress gives you a glass of water instead of soda. You...

You've lost your wallet, or worse, It's been stolen. What's your first thought?

Your friend invites you to a big party. What do you do?

What do you think of yourself



Negative! You see the bad in almost everything. Your outlook on life is far from being optimistic. However, Sometimes you can be a good judge of character because you're able to point out flaws.

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Balanced! A lot of people are just like you. Not negative, but not completely positive either. Identify your triggers for negative thinking, and take rational actions to keep you sunny side up

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Positive! You look on the bright side of life. You know how to deal with bad situations, and don't take things personally. Your attitude attracts others, people may seek your advice or help.

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