What Makes Your Zodiac Sign Crush-Worthy?

Here's why your crush digs you even when Mercury's in retrograde.

Created by TigerBeat (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 24, 2017

Pick your Zodiac sign.

You're super sweet

You're super sweet

You always have kind words to say and can easily to connect to those around you on an emotional level.

You're straightforward

You're straightforward

Your crush will never have to guess where they stand with you. You put it all out on the table, and they love you for it.

You're confident

You're confident

There's a reason Justin Bieber wrote a whole song about it. Confidence will always draw others to you!

You're authentically you

You're authentically you

You never hide who you truly are, and your unique authenticity makes you irresistible!

You're passionate

You're passionate

You put your whole heart into everything you do, whether it's school, personal projects or relationships.

You go with the flow

You go with the flow

You can find the best in every situation and make the most of every moment as it happens- a lovable person to be around!

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