5 Problems you will face during wan acceleration

One of the top goals in the past few years, have been acceleration of the wide area networks. An accelerator is that appliance which helps in bandwidth optimization for improving the experiences of end users on a WAN. The appliance can be a device running an environment that is virtual, a program of software and a component of physical hardware that takes information to be flowed forth and back across Wide area network.

Thomas Ashwin
Created by Thomas Ashwin (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 9, 2018
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5 Problems you will face during wan acceleration 

One of the top goals in the past few years, have been acceleration of the wide area networks. An accelerator is that appliance which helps in bandwidth optimization for improving the experiences of end users on a WAN. The appliance can be a device running an environment that is virtual, a program of software and a component of physical hardware that takes information to be flowed forth and back across Wide area network. It uses the methods if data de-duplication and compression for reducing data amount that needs transmission. Basically, it functions by having file parts or duplicated files cached. This is done so that referencing can be done instead of sending it across WAN. Here are five problems people think they shall face with the usage of an accelerator. However, the myths are busted.

1.     Bandwidth shall solve it all

One of the common myths that people have about wan acceleration is that they can do without one or using one and that solely, bandwidth shall solve issues. However, the truth is different because though it may be partially true for certain organizations but when you have multiple and global presence of offices at various locations then it may cost you time as well as money especially if antiquated methods are followed. This poses and impact on the productivity of employees as well. Hence, a great bandwidth may not be the core solution when you do need an accelerator.

2.     Do not need one because traffic is encrypted or real time

Most often people may feel that wan acceleration can prove to be a poor fit because all their traffic is encrypted and is real-time. Once a time these reasoning used to be valid when optimization solutions were traditional. Those solutions were incapable of traffic handling but not anymore. This is because there have been significant innovations in this field and in the current times optimization has turned out to be a prime backbone. All applications are benefitted and there is not any problem anymore.

3.     The fact that it is possible with appliance

Some individuals and companies still feel that optimization of WAN is possible only with appliance that is on-premise. However, technology has come a long way and while once upon a time it was made available to only a group, not anymore. There are alternatives galore, that exist.

4.     The fact that virtual appliances are quite cheaper

It is true that virtual appliances are comparatively cheaper but then you may be paying for the expensive wrapper of the hardware. Thus, only way around is using the acceleration as a service. Using this method, issues of maintenance and deployment become the problem of the service provider. Hence, you do not have to fret.
5.     The fact that that optimization is one time investment

Appliances for optimization of the wide area network were considered to be one-time investments however it is false blatantly. This is because they have product cycles that is followed by support end/ life end of the device.

Do not despair

You do not have to worry anymore because the problems are negligible even if there and since technology has come a long way, you shall not experience any issues at all.
Article Source: medium.com

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