What Type Of Fruit Are You?

Are you a crazy banana or a sour lemon?

Created by TheOwls (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 6, 2015

What is your favorite color?

What music do you like?

Pick a picture...

What do you like to do on weekends?

What is your favorite food?

What's your style?

What is your spirit animal?

How do people describe you in a good way?

How do people describe you in a bad way?

Are you more shy or outgoing right now?



You are unique and creative. Sometimes people find you as weird but you are never afraid to express yourself.



You can be really sour and grumpy. You like to judge things and can be very critical. But without critical people in the world no one would know when they are wrong. You speak your mind and are feisty.



You are calm and chill. You like to hang out with friends. Sometimes people find you ignorant and passive but you're just having a good time.



Well if you don't know what Durian is it is an exotic fruit that is barely edible and smells like rotting garbage. Sorry.....



You are sweet and kind, a fuzzy peach. You enjoy helping people with their needs. Some people think you are vulnerable, but you are really strong and selfless.



Fun is your middle name. You may be irresponsible but you love to have fun and party!



You are wicked smart. You know what you are doing and are very intelligent! Some people see you as rude and a smart Alec and you can be but that doesn't stop your super fast brain!



You are positive and love to be happy. Some people think you are annoying and too peppy but you are just really bubbly.

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On Nov 18, 2021