Which Movie Werewolf Are You?

"Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms, and the Autumn moon is bright." Discover the beast in you and find out what werewolf's destiny is the same as yours! HAROOOOOO!!

TheMovieDoctorful .
Created by TheMovieDoctorful .(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 17, 2015

How do you feel about inner conflict and the beast within?

If you became a werewolf, what would be the first thing you'd do?

Dream Occupation?

Favorite Non-Werewolf Movie?

Favorite Shakespeare Play?

What trait do you look for in a lover?

Would you ever want to kill somebody?

What quote sums you up best?

What's your favorite song?

Pick a non-werewolf character you relate too most

Who are you in your friends circle?

Lawrence Talbot

Lawrence Talbot

You're a walking sob story. You already have a tragic enough backstory with your awful childhood and all, but your dark family history, anxiety over feelings of romance for a forbidden love, and of course your terrible "beast within" and inner...Er..."Conflict" make your story all the more depressing. You are compassionate, loving and friendly but also easily VERY angered, stubborn and awkward. The good news? You get the girl. The bad news? Everything else is looking down.



You are proud of who you are. You have a beast within you, but you can control it well. You are a great leader and have many friends, but you'd trade it all away to have your lost love back once again. Still, you'll have your vengeance soon.

David Kessler

David Kessler

You're a typical teenager. Sex, angst and an outgoing, fun, upbeat personality. Still, underneath that positive, upbeat attitude and attractive charm is someone who is often scared, panicked over what he's turning into. So much to the point that you may or may not be suicidal.

Ginger Fitzgerald

Ginger Fitzgerald

You are sexy and you know it! You may have originally been shy and an introvert, but recent changes have made you strong, sexy, outgoing and VERY moody. And by moody, I mean one minute you're making out with a guy/girl, next minute you want to tear his/her throat out...Literally. You have a very close best friend whose trying to help you out in your darker times, but as of late, that's becoming more and more difficult.

Lou Garou

Lou Garou

First things first, you're a drunk. Like a MASSIVE drunk. You can't go an hour without a good buzz. Oh yeah, and your a sex addict too. On the bright side, you're also VERY funny and extremely loyal to your friends. You're the underdog, but at your best, you can also be top dog. For you, the beast within is a chance at redemption; it turns you from the village idiot to town superhero...Who is still a drunk and a sex addict, unfortunately.

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