People Reveal The Most Bizarre Things Their Body Does

We're all aware of strange things our body does on a daily basis, but sometimes it's getting pretty weird. 30 people give us a closer look. Not for the faint-hearted!

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Sep 28, 2019
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Eyes Go Blurry

Well, every once in a while my eyes will go blurry and I can't see for a few seconds, I've learned to wait it out but it seriously freaked me out when I was younger but from what I know it's basically harmless. (By the way I have 20/20 vision so it's not my eyesight getting worse over the years)

Shirophynx: Idk mines similar to ur condition but instead of going blurry for a few seconds if I’ve been lying down for too long then I stand up then I get this dizzy feeling and I kinda have a blackish static around my eyes which will last for about 2-4 seconds then I just feel normal. Wait no just found out it’s called orthostatic hypotension and I’m just really dehydrated

This is what has been happening! Just wanted to edit this to show everyone I finally figured it out! Thanks for the advice from everyone though and have a nice day.


Bathroom Issues

My body doesn't let me know when I need to pee until it hurts. Like I could go a whole day without peeing and then wake up the next morning with intense stomach cramps that go away after a solid 5 minute pee.

I can't tell you how many times I've been like, "have I peed today? Well you never know" and I sit down to discover that my bladder was full.

Edit: it's nice to know I'm not the only one. After reading comments I'm worried it might be some pinched nerves in my spine or something because I'm realizing I only began having trouble telling I need to pee after I fell and bruised my tail bone.

I haven't had kids yet so it can't be because of a c section.

But I did get frequent UTI's in middle school (around the same time I got my tail bone, not sure if it was before or after) that my mom never took me to get treated for. It lasted about 6 months and I would get so itchy that I'd scratch myself bloody. So it might be lasting damage from that.

I also have ovarian cysts so the person who suggested I get my uterus checked out it never occurred that they might be connected.

My parents grew up as migrants so they never went to the hospital unless they were dieing and that mindset has transfered over to us so they almost never take us to the doctors. I'm heading off to college in a few weeks though so I might stop by a free health clinic or something since I'll finally be able to.


Personality Changes

Not me, but my uncle. He's almost 70 now. Over the past few years he has gotten more and more grumpy. Yeah, nothing to worry about, his uncle was like that too. Something old people get. He never wanted to see a doctor, even if his cold didn't seem to go away after 2 months a few years ago. That was bronchitis, progressed to pneumonia. He still has a nasty cough.

About a month ago my grandmother was celebrating her 93rd birthday with her children. My uncle just sat there, staring in the distance and when trying to talk he just mumbled. My aunt finally took charge and took him to the hospital, brain scan was done, turns out he had a lot of tiny brain bleeds, probably over the course of several years.

Don't ignore personality changes, no matter how slowly they progress.


Graves Disease

Similar thing happened to me. When I was 24 I started changing personality wise. I became a very angry person, irritated and then irrationally angry at the snap of a finger. In my head I could see myself being stupidly angry and I'd talk to myself to stop and calm down but I just couldn't, sometimes for hours. One time I was playing pool and I kept tipping my husbands que. He asked me politely to stop and I got so angry at him I stormed out of the pool hall and refused to talk to him the rest of the night and had a serious I'm going to fucking cut someone bitch face.

It started affecting my job. I work customer service at a call center and you just cant be angry and sarcastic with customers even if they deserve it. I got so many complaints I was on the verge of being fired. So I set up a therapy appointment because I felt like i was going crazy and on the verge of a breakdown. I went but it didn't help.

One week later I went to my doctor because I'd missed my period. It was time for a check up anyhow so my doctor did a pregnancy test and some blood tests. Pregnancy test came back negative but the blood tests came back showing my Thyroid levels out of control.

I had Graves Disease. It's an autoimmune disease that attacks your thyroid and makes it produce thyroid hormone constantly. One of the major symptoms is extreme irritability, which I had in spades. I was on Live Journal at the time and I went back and read some of my blog posts and I'd been cataloging my symptoms without even realizing they'd been symptoms: Insomnia, hand tremors, feeling hot all the time, skipping periods, fatigue, heart palpitations, tachycardia, weight loss.

Went on disability for a few months while my doc fiddled with my medication to bring me back down and it saved my job and my marriage (at the time my husband was just boyfriend and was seriously considering leaving me cause).

Tldr: started getting super mad all the time, turns out was Graves Disease.


Slow-Mo Slow-Mo

Sometimes I get this weird feeling like everything is going in slow-mo. In contrast, I feel like everything I do is at normal speed. My brain just wants me to do stuff and I feel this burst of energy that makes me feel great. However there is always a moment where I feel like I should keep moving because if I stop something bad will happen to me.

Usually lasts a few minutes tops. When I manage to calm down everything goes back to normal. Has been happening since I'm a kid, 24 now and still happens every year.


Problem Solved

This is one that previously happened and is solved as far as I’m concerned.

For a couple years, every time I ran my dishwasher, my eyes got really dry. That makes NO sense, right? It was a minor annoyance, but too ridiculous to say out loud, even to a doctor.

Years later, I got diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome. My immune system mistakenly attacks my tear ducts and my eyes get really dry. Scientists think it’s kicked in by an exposure to a toxin (like mold) that sends your immune system haywire.

My old apartment was full of black mold in the walls. Every time I ran my dishwasher it got in there and wet the mold and made it worse.

I’m so glad to figure out I wasn’t just imagining things because I knew I wasn’t.

... Yes, I’m female. How I got diagnosed is another story. I noticed weird things like I was breathing fine, but didn’t seem to be getting oxygen. I even moved my computer next to an open window to try to get fresh air. Ultimately, I started getting pains like an ice pick stabbing me in the lungs, but they’d only last around one second and be gone. I kept seeing doctors and being misdiagnosed with pleurisy.

Finally I was at one quick care and the doctor said my x-rays looked normal but a pulmonologist just happened to walk by and notice a nodule, so he pointed it out. Ultimately, I got blood tests that showed autoimmune. I had a lung biopsy that confirmed sarcoidosis (another HOUSE favorite!) and the markers for Sjogren’s, too.

I had a few years of heavy steroids and am doing much better. I have 72% of my lungs left. There was a lot of scar tissue formed while it was active. My eyes and mouth get dry and I may get tear duct plugs eventually. My joints used to hurt but they have me on something that’s helping that, too. I eat a plant-based diet and am very physically active at my job, I’m in constant motion there; so I suppose that helps!

No, I don’t live in that inner city hell hole anymore! :)


Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Well I don't think it's really a problem worth getting worried over, but it's something that I always thought wasn't really normal...I get this really weird feeling in my brain sometimes that's incredibly hard to describe which is honestly why I've never talk to anyone about it. It's like, a brain shiver? Like when you get the chills but it's only happening inside your skull and not the rest of your body. There's also a weird almost squeaky sound in my ears when it happens too.

When I was little, I used to think it was my brain getting another wrinkle cuz I learned something that made me smarter lmao.

Edit: to clarify, theres no "physical" sensation that happens (no goosebumps or anything like that, chills are just the closest thing I could think of to compare it to). Its literally just a quick "feeling" in the middle of my brain that doesn't travel down my body or anything like that. Just a second or two and then it's over.

Edit: I know it sounds similar to "brain zaps" people get when coming off anti-depressants. And I'm assuming it feels the same way? But this has happened for as long as I can remember, waaaaay before I ever took any medications for anything, and it still happens even now that I'm an stuff for anxiety.

edit: It's not ASMR. They're two completely different feelings. ASMR is a pleasant, skin tingly feeling. This is like someone poking my brain and it makes a squishy sound, or a momentary brain short circuit. It's not in any way a nice feeling or caused by the same stuff ASMR is. Stop PMing me saying it's just ASMR.


Where's The Update?

My stomach hurts between breakfast and lunch almost every day (because I'm hungry I guess), and hurts worse after I eat. It's a sharp pain that goes away if I lay completely flat on the ground. I've resorted to laying down in a few public bathrooms before. Happening since 4th grade, I'm going to college now.

I recently told my doctor about it, and she prescribed a blood test and an ultrasound of my abdomen. I got the blood test done, but before I was able to schedule an appointment for the ultrasound, the pain got really bad one night to the point where I found it hard to breathe (and laying down wasn't fixing it this time).

My mom's been concerned about it for a while, so she was contemplating bringing me to the hospital. I fell asleep though, and I ended up okay. The next day I went shopping, and the pain kicked up again and I couldn't walk around, so my parents brought me to the ER. The blood tests were normal, and they did a pancreatic ultrasound (since I indicated the pain being low on the belly area) but found nothing.

Still haven't gotten around to getting the abdominal ultrasound done, but I actually haven't been experiencing the stomach pains since the end of the school year. I'm pretty sure it's only something I experience during the school year, and it might have something to do with the timing of when I eat breakfast and lunch. My stomach doesn't hurt too bad over the weekends either.

Some additional information: I don't have to pass gas for the pain to go away, so I don't think gas is the issue. I won't rule it out completely though. During the school year, I eat breakfast at home around 6:30, then I eat the free school breakfast between 8:30-9 (usually something small like a box of cereal or a muffin).

By 11 usually I would have the stomach pain, then I would have lunch at 11:30. My stomach would hurt for a bit after lunch but go away eventually, and then return around 5-6 before dinner, and then after dinner as well. On the weekends/over breaks, I would usually eat breakfast around 9, lunch around 1, dinner around 7, and the pain is way less frequent.

I'll update when I get my ultrasound done, but thanks everyone for the suggestions! I'll read into all of them and see if any of the symptoms match up.


Adapt The Remedy To The Disease

Sometimes I’ll be walking and I suddenly just dissociate from my body and everything around me. It could either be triggered by my thoughts or just doing nothing at all. I think about how I’m next to nothing in the universe and feel like I’m jumping out of myself. Then my body just feels like it isn’t mine.

In that moment I try to stop it by looking down at my arms to realize that my body is mine, and to stop thinking about things like that. It takes a lot of distraction to end it.

Happened a lot my senior year in high school, happens on occasion now, and might have happened the other day. Lasts maybe 30 sec - 1 min. I’m really hoping someone else has gone through something similar.


After Dinner Rest A While; After Supper Walk A Mile. 

I yawn all day no matter how much sleep I get. I am otherwise very healthy (except lots of stress and trauma wohoo)

More about me: I have depression, anxiety and PTSD I am not on antidepressants (I have been on them and still yawned all day), I take vitamin D every day, I do not have asthma. Otherwise I am physically healthy. I eat well, plenty of nutrients, exercise, etc. The yawning usually gets really bad when I try to do something productive (e.g. study or even just to a hobby I enjoy), or get into a conversation with someone.

This is extremely difficult as they think I am bored and do not care. It used to be so bad that my yawns lasted 30 to 60 seconds each and were so incredibly strong, long and extreme that my jaw I was in severe pain and I would eventually have watery eyes. Then it would start all over again. It just never ended. That was back when I was being severely abused. I just assumed it's a little better now as I am in a healthier situation...idk.

I will speak to my psych about narcolepsy, adhd and sleep apnea. I always assumed it was just stress (counselor thinks so). I will also notify my GP next week.


Erectile Dysfunction

Just turned 40 and with a life of being able to get raging erections, all of sudden it's kinda hard to get hard and stay that way. Used to be we have sex, (I give head first and lately she hasn't wanted it....sad) we would shower and after shower we could still hang a full size wet towel on my still fully erect penis. I haven't had to tell her no yet. SUPER FUCKING BUMMED.

Doing intermittent fasting, eating clean, loosing weight, tons of water and kegal exercises. My wife to me is so, so very fine and just the thought of her biting her lip or a pic I have as my phone background used to get me hard. Not enough to talk to a doctor? Maybe but I read it could be fucking heart disease....

Grown ass man and I'm crying typing this because I can't tell her or anyone else. Fuckin brutal.

*Erectile Dysfunction....there...I said it.


An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure. 

Here's a story of why it's important to see your doctor for thing you might deem as fairly minor.

Just after my wife had our first child I started losing weight and feeling a bit tired sometimes, seems normal right?

We'll this progressed over time and I kept putting it off and putting it off, making excuses etc.

Eventually I lost 3 stone, was constantly thirsty, was getting woken up with cramp in my legs and would pass out from exhaustion fairly regularly.

When I say thirsty I mean the type of uncontrollable and insatiable thirst you wouldn't think wss possible, genuinely think I was feeling more thirst than a dude who buys bathwater from a female streamer.

When I say waking up with cramps I mean waking up i agony, screaming and crying because it was so bad.

When I say passing out I mean not even feeling tired, just passing out mid conversation.

Turned out I had type 1 Diabetes but because I was too super macho to go to the doctor and get it checked it progressed to a point that was unmanageable.

TL:DR, stop being stupid and go see a doctor. It may be a hell of a lot worse than you think.

Edit: to everyone who keeps commenting arguing that these symptoms aren't minor. They started minor, a little bit of weight loss maybe just a couple of pounds over a week or so. Feeling tired when you've got a new baby keeping you awake etc. It's all in context to what is going on in your life at the moment.

The point I was trying to make is that something minor can quickly progress into something serious if you don't get it looked at. It's always better to catch things sooner rather than later.


Before Healing Others, Heal Yourself.

I have a hard time explaining stuff sometimes, but only if I speak it out loud. I’m a much better explainer via text. However, even if I’m texting, and especially if I’m talking, sometimes I’ll forget words or names to basic household things, like headboards/footboards, dishwashers, etc. “That thing” is a very common phrase for me.

If I’m writing a sentence, and get distracted by something else or read/think about a different word/sentence, I’ll start writing that word/sentence instead. For example, I could be writing “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog..” but in the middle, I’d think about, for example, pizza, and I end up writing “The quick brown fox jumps over the pizza.” Sometimes this happens before I even start writing what I intend to write.

I jumble my words a lot, stutter, and say words wrong sometimes.


Better Ten Times Ill Than One Time Dead

About once maybe twice a month I have an incredibly surreal almost otherworldly experience

It normally starts with my short term memory going sort of fuzzy, I’ll forget why I’m in a room and just stand there thinking for a few minutes (usually assume it’s just my ADD acting up). Then I’ll start hearing things, then I’ll start getting really paranoid about these things

Then it gets really fucky

I’ll, we’ll see isn’t quite right but I’ll sense a creature just out of my peripherals, for about half an hour it just sorta lingers there then it’ll start moving towards me, always just at the edge of my vision

Then I’ll either take some melatonin and go to bed or I’ll stay up and it’ll get worse

The worst it ever got was one night a couple months ago where i couldn’t pass it off as paranoia anymore, it felt more real than my most vivid of memories

The creature entered my vision properly and I could actually see it, some sort of shadowy not quite solid creature with the head of a wolf and some very solid looking claws, it stood hunched over its “head” almost touching my ceiling

Then my memory goes fuzzy and I can’t remember what I did next


Eat To Live, Not Live To Eat.

I have a family history of severe ankylosing spondylitis. It’s a disease where you get calcium deposits on your bones, usually the spine, and it generally fuses bones together. My grandfather was bent in half by the disease and my father can’t twist at all because his spine is completely fused together.

I found out in my early thirties (I’m 43) that I carry the genetic marker to get the disease. Now, I’ve realized that I’ve been manifesting symptoms… at the end of my second toe. I literally escaped the debilitating disease I carry by having it fully manifest in the last joint (the one with the nail) of the second toe of my left foot. That joint is just a mass of weird calcium growth. Otherwise, I’m completely AS-free.

I’ve never had it checked out by a doctor. This is just what I’ve figured out.


If You Would Live Long, Open Your Heart.

I’ve got a few things...

1 - My left leg, from hip down, feels “dead”. Like, somewhere between a pinched nerve and fallen asleep. It’s not painful, but can be kind of uncomfortable. I can still walk, bend, do everything normally. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it sticks around for a day or two.

2 - I can be going about my daily activities, then all of the sudden, my ears will ring, then I’ll go deaf, then my vision will fade and I get extreme nausea/vertigo. It almost feels like my brain isn’t getting any blood. I never actually pass out though and remember the entire thing. They only last a few seconds maybe 20-30 at most, but after it passes, I feel extremely tired and need to sleep. Often anywhere from 1-3 hours, then I feel perfectly fine after a nap. I always get advanced warning of it too (usually the ringing in the ears combined with heartburn). I’ve actually been to many doctors/specialists and the best they can find is they believe it to be a migraine. I’ve learned to live with it at this point.

3 - I can often feel my pulse. Usually in my abdomen or thighs. It feels almost like fluttering under the skin. It comes and goes, and I’ve also learned I can make it happen when I want it to.


One Day In Perfect Health Is Much

This one is going to sound really weird, and I'm kinda embarrassed to post this on my main, but I'm not planning to head to a shrink anytime soon, so I'll appeal to the amazing people of reddit instead.

Several times throughout my life, I've heard semi-distinct voices in my head. They are somewhat distinct, different vocal qualities so I'm assuming aroud 3 or so voices. They kind of talk over one another, so it's not easy to hear all of them correctly. If I had to describe what they sound like, it's like THIS - it's not rhythmic like that but the same vocal quality to it.

I'm perfectly lucid when it happens. My heartrate is normal. No foaming at the mouth or drooling. No parethesia or ticks when it occurs. No headaches or pressure anywhere in the body. I've had this during childhood too and there was no stressful event or time when the voices appear.

I did have during a stressful college period have the voices kind of motivate and cheer me on.

The 'voices' last intermittently, minutes or so at a time, though I'm not entirely aware of my surroundings when it happens (I'm there but not really at the same time). Perhaps it's just tiredness or stress, but I'd rather know what's up.


Sometimes The Remedy Is Worse Than The Disease

Ever since I can remember, I'd get severe chest pains, on the left side. It's a throbbing but sharp pain that is usually eased by rubbing my chest. I was tested for nearly every heart condition and doctors said my heart was sound.

Dr started ordering mammograms to check for breast cancer. Thankfully, I am clear of that, too. A personal trainer mentioned that with all the sports I played as s child, I could have torn a chest muscle.

Nope, drs found no evidence of that either. Another dr suggested I had severe heartburn or IBS. Not that either. It wasn't until I was about 40 when a new dr noticed me rubbing the spot and she said "oh, do you have costochondritis? I didn't see that in your chart..." Huh?

Apparently, it's when the cartilage in your chest gets inflamed and causes pain that can mimic a heart attack or pulled muscle. There's no cure but it's quite common. And annoying.


When The Heart Is At Ease, The Body Is Healthy.

i have recurrent vertigo which i did go to a doctor about when it started, but he gave me no real diagnosis so i haven't tried getting other opinions or anything

but it does cause some really strange body sensations. it's not just the spinning room feeling from the movies. usually it's just a sense of "wrongness" in how my body is relating to the world around it. like my body is tilting or twisting, my limbs are growing or shrinking. when i move my eyes sideways, it feels like the world is skittering around me. sometimes i'll take a step and my legs will almost fold underneath me cus the ground feels wrong. plus my heart usually starts to race, i breathe shallow, and i get nauseous. i become overcome with the knowledge that i'm dying. then i sit and go, oh wait never mind, and pop a valium (it's an inner ear sedative)

mostly posting this incase other folks have experienced this and don't know what it is :)


To Enjoy The Glow Of Good Health, You Must Exercise.

I get this intense bloating and pressure in my abdomen sometimes after eating. I’ve started skipping meals and drinking kombucha during the day so I don’t feel overwhelmed with the stomach discomfort while I’m at work, and it’s actually been super helpful.

I pop into a downward dog around 3 pm every day and add a little pressure on the top of my head against the wall while tilting my sitz bones up to the ceiling and try to straighten my spine and I usually somehow get things to move and digest quicker this way, also alternating with completely relaxing my muscles in my stomach and pushing my hips forward while I stand up.

My grandpa has surgery recently for some form of impacted poo and my whole family has some celiac nonsense but I like bread too much so here we are.


All The Money In The World Can't Buy You Back Good Health.

I had felt like i am a bit under the weather a few years back as a 25 year old on peak performance i didn't feel like i need to go see the doctor. Two days later i almost died because of a lung embolism.

"not serious enough" to get checked out almost got me into an early grave. So even if you don't think it is bad just ask the doc about it the next time you're there. Most people have decent healthcare so yeah it will be an annoying hour or two in the waiting room but it's definitely worth it too have ease of mind if it is nothing and to get early treatment if it is something bad.


A Fit, Healthy Body - That Is The Best Fashion Statement.

this thread got serious fast. so here's some dumb ones

I have this one spot on the ride side of my neck, where if i flick it just right with the pen, i can cause my whole neck/head to twitch. Found this out during some boring ass classes.

I lived in a very dry, dusty, and high elevation place for a while. Fucked my nose up pretty bad. Very sensitive to smoke and dust now. gotta wear a dorky ass breathright all the time to bed.

My skin is oddly sensitive and if i scratch it or whatever it will puff up and get red (dermatographia or something?) but the weird part is i wasn't always like this. In fact, i feel like i could point to the exact day (or, at most, week) that I remember it happening for the first time.

i feel like i have more than a few 'things' - tiny little dots or squiggles - in my eyes that are IN my vision. I only ever notice them if i am staring at a very even surface (so the small aberration shows up). but it's funny because they are little left of center, so whenever i try to look right at them, they keep moving further to the left. heh


The Greatest Wealth Is Health

My left tear duct squirts on the inside of my glasses.

You know that little thing on your car hood that ejaculates wiper fluid onto your windshield? And you know that sometimes it's aimed the wrong way so that it misses the windshield entirely? Well, my left tear duct is aimed the wrong way. Whenever I tear up due to really cold weather or high wind the right tear duct lubricates my eye the left one squirts on the inside of my glasses. Under normal rates of flow everything is fine but if my eyes are actually trying to cry due to the weather or a touching movie or something I have to wipe the tears off the inside of my glasses on the left lens.

Does anybody know if there's a name for this condition?


Be Careful About Reading Health Books. You May Die Of A Misprint.

Every time I clean out my left ear with a Q-tip, I cough. It’s not from going too deep, because I cough even when the Q-tip is barely in my ear. It’s almost like it hits a pressure point that makes me cough, but I can wear earphones. My husband and family think that I’m a big weirdo whenever it happens.

Edited to add another one. Every few weeks, my heart skips or irregularly beats for about 4-6 seconds, but it’s never long enough for anything to happen, just long enough for me to notice. I went to the doctor and got an EKG, and they mentioned that I had a low heart rate (runner) but that every 5 beats or so, my heart will beat half a second faster than the last. Idk, I didn’t feel like that answered my concern at the doctor but she didn’t seem overly concerned. Does anyone else experience what I’m talking about?


Very Random

I have random vagal responses.

Like I need to lie down, blood pressure drops, dry heaves, sweating, the whole 9 yards.

It only happens if I am stressed and doing something physical.

Get me a cold cloth, let me sit for a few minutes and I will be fine, I just have to take it easy.

It has been happening for over 20 years and they finally figured it out in Vegas. When your blood pressure crashes, casinos don't play around lmao!

Yup. I have anxiety, and it literally triggers the vagus (?) nerve. They threw a ton of info at me that night that boiled down to pay attention and take it easy if I feel the symptoms coming on.


Life With Anxiety

I suffered from anxiety for a few years but recently enough I started getting really severe panic attacks sometimes after I had eaten or taken vitamins. Didnt think too much of it til one day I had an alka seltzer and I started to freak out. Collapsed several times and couldnt function at all. Eventually decided to go see the doctor about it.

Turns out I had an undiagnosed stomach ulcer and eating certain food and taking medication that dissolves in your stomach really aggravated it. At this point my stomach had swollen to twice its size and pushed my diaphragm up against my lungs which lowered my lung capacity. That, in turn, gave me an irregular heartbeat which all contributed to these massive panic attacks I was having.


Every Moment Is A Fresh Beginning

Since this is a week old this probably won't be seen but on the off chance someone is sorting by new:

Almost 3 years ago I had laparoscopic surgery to remove my appendix. Every few weeks I get a small, red, itchy bump right next to the incision scar under my belly button.

It looks like a mosquito bite but it's always in the same spot. It always goes away by the next day. When it first started after the incision healed I thought about asking my surgeon about it, but it was always gone by the next day so I never thought much of it. It doesn't bother me that much but I am curious about it.


If You Stumble, Make It Part Of The Dance.

I didn’t think I could have any of these, but while reading the comments I realised that I’ve got more than one:

Randomly I fell like a void on the right side of my abdomen, just below my last rib. It isn’t painful at all but is quite curious. After a minute the void disappears.

Recently I’ve experienced like if my heartbeat loses it’s rhythm for a few seconds, I’ve thought about tachycardia but not sure at all. The last time I felt it was three weeks ago (approximately).

Sometimes when I’m asleep I feel like if my leg was extremely stretched (just like a muscle cramp) and I start to “dance” or jump randomly in the middle of the night to get off the pain.

I have a tiny “ball” on my right foot, the biggest toe (the toes have names?) and it doesn’t hurt or anything, but it’s just ugly. No idea how I got it, but I don’t feel anything in there.

I haven’t felt this anymore, but almost a year ago, I used to feel like if one of my testicles got kicked, even without any clothes I had that pain, but it disappeared when I changed all of my boxers.


Resting Is Not Laziness, It’s Medicine!

I've had a cough for like six months. Really annoying. Sometimes I have to cough mid sentence which sucks. It's non productive, dry, and only one or two coughs each time. Been to the Dr twice, actually, and they put me on antibiotics, but no change.

It feels like it's a piece of food stuck at the top of my throat or something, and it just won't move.

I haven't told the Dr this because I can't do throat exams, my gag reflex is strong, so I don't want to have to open up and say AAHHHH while she sticks that board down my throat.

That or it's throat cancer and I don't wanna know.


Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing At All

I have a hard disc-like lump on the top of my forearm under the skin about the size of a quarter, and about the thickness of a Nilla wafer. It's been there for 15 years, doesn't hurt, never got bigger, never got smaller, and you wouldn't even know it was there unless you actually ran your hand over that spot on my arm. It's...just chilling in there. I like to fuck with people and tell them it's an alien implant from when I got abducted.

22 years ago, I shot my thumb point blank with a BB gun. The BB is still there, and doesn't bother me, so I never had a reason to get it removed.

I have a cyst on my back that had been there for like 7 maybe 8 years? Every 4 years I guess it reaches capacity, I lance it and drain it, and it's come back once since the first time.


These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
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On Nov 18, 2021