Can You Pass This Impossible IQ Test From The 1980's?

Only 1 in 50 people can pass this one.

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Sep 26, 2019
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If A is bigger than B but smaller than C, then:

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You aced an impossible IQ test from the 1980's!

You aced an impossible IQ test from the 1980's!

You think on your own, and you challenge yourself on a daily basis. Basically, you do things the way YOU think they should be done. You keep an open mind of what you see and hear, but you always end up obeying your inner voice. It’s called good intuition.

Nothing can stop you now!

You totally failed this IQ test!

You totally failed this IQ test!

You are not intuitive and you do not think logically.

That’s actually pretty awesome.

Keep it up!

1 / 19

If A is bigger than B but smaller than C, then:

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021