Which Pitch Perfect 2 Character Are You?

Time to unleash your inner Barden Bella

Created by Sugarscape (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 13, 2015

In your group of friends you are the ____ one

It's audition day. What are you singing?

Pick a Solo cup themed party to attend

Fave quote from Pitch Perfect 1?

When you're not singing you're...

Which of these pop divas is your spirit animal?

If you didn't make the Bellas, what would you name your a capella group?

If you HAD to pitch slap one of the following, which would it be?

What makes the burrito?

How do you feel about cardio?

Pick a college major



You might think you're more socially awkward than a giraffe at the ballet, but you're actually a bit of a badass and the one your pals look to lead the way.



Yes, you do like things a certain way but that's mainly because you know best, duh. The sooner people accept that, the better.

Fat Amy

Fat Amy

You never fail to make your friends laugh so hard they wee a little bit and as if that wasn't enough, your gymnastic abilities as a dancer are probably destined to change the history of the world. Well done you.

John of 'John and Gail' fame

John of 'John and Gail' fame

YA BIG SEXIST. Sort it out.



YOU'VE GOT NODES. Bit of a bummer, so it's lucky you've got good hair and a big heart to fall back on.



You are officially the cutest human in the entire world, even if you do think it's appropriate to actually keep a pair of budgies in your smugglers. Speaking of which: no, that does not count as magic, so sort it out yeah?



We'd say you are cray cray but we don't want you to set our hair on fire.



While you're all about the bravado, underneath the outer layers of the burrito that is your heart lies a guacamole centre that craves the appreciation it deserves. LONG LIVE THE GUAC.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021