Which Disney Princess Are You?

Who are you most like? Who do you look most like? Find out here!

Steph St. Clair
Created by Steph St. Clair (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 8, 2015

Which do you enjoy doing most?

Do you dare to break the rules?

Do you fall in love easily?

Which prince do you like the most?

What color is your hair?

What do you find most romantic about a guy?

What do you value most in life?



You are beautiful and smart, you become friends with many people and do whatever it takes to follow your dreams! You absolutely love to swim and just can't wait to see the world with your own eyes!



You like to read and do whatever you can to save your family. You see the good in people even if everyone else doesn't. You dare to be different and don't follow the path people lay in front of you.



You enjoy doing chores but are also a rebellious girl on the inside. You believe there is so much potential for you in this world but you just haven't figured out how to find it yet. You fall in love very easily even if you don't know the name of the person, his face is just planted into your brain.

Snow White

Snow White

You like to be around boys a lot and do things for them. You also trust people just a little bit too much so that it can come and bite you in the butt even if you intend good thoughts



You are smart and stand up for what you believe in. You don't let anyone make decisions for you and fall in love with whoever you truly love.



You are a free, independent woman who doesn't need a man in your life to make you happy. You just need your family to make you happy.

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)



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