How To Make The Most Of Today, According To Warby Parker's Dave Gilboa

Starbucks Doubleshot
Created by Starbucks Doubleshot (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 27, 2018

Each month, Starbucks Doubleshot® the best and highest quality energy-boost connects you with today's most successful millennials. They'll share their go-to tips and tricks that keep them at the top of their game — and can inspire you to up yours.

Hey, I'm Dave Gilboa, co-founder and co-CEO of Warby Parker.

Running a company isn't just my full-time job, it's my life. That's why I strive to make the most of every day.

And this is how I do it:

This immediately helps me clear my mind so I can feel more focused and productive throughout the day.

My schedule is often jam-packed, so taking a few minutes at the beginning of the day to calm and center myself enables me to deal with whatever comes my way. Usually, that's a lot.

Before I head to the office, I grab the morning paper and a coffee.

To make the most of my morning commute, I challenge myself to stay sharp by catching up on the day's top business stories while drinking some coffee.

I've always loved the little boost coffee gives me (it especially came in handy when I was pulling all-nighters for my MBA), it's the perfect way to jumpstart my morning.

The extra energy increases my mental preparedness, creativity, and problem-solving skills all day long.

Now, what could YOU use this energy kick for?

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By the time I enter the office, I feel unstoppable.

As soon as I sit down at my desk, I send out my most timely emails and handle my most important projects.

My afternoon is usually booked up with meetings — a pitfall of the entrepreneur lifestyle.

To ensure each meeting is a productive use of our time, my co-founder, Neil Blumenthal, and I established a three-or-more rule. Basically, that means no one can call a meeting unless there's three specific action items we need to discuss.

For example:

Dave's Glasses Design Meeting Agenda

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This not only makes the most of each meeting, but tells us and our employees which matters can be more quickly resolved via email or a phone call.

So many companies waste hours in pointless meetings, but Neil and I wanted to do something different — and better. So far, so good.

With so many meetings, getting through the afternoon is often the hardest part of my day.

When do you guys need a boost the most?

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To push through, I remind myself of why I started Warby Parker in the first place: to help people.

As co-founders and co-CEOs, we need to make sure we're on the same page every day.

In the early days of Warby Parker, we developed a 15-minute daily rundown discussing what we accomplished that day and what we plan to do tomorrow.
This helps ensure we don't have any unnecessary overlap in our duties so that both of us can focus our mental energy on finding creative, new ways to make our business better.

My Top Tips To Make The Most Of Every Day

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Each month, Starbucks Doubleshot® the best and highest quality energy-boost connects you with today's most successful millennials. They'll share their go-to tips and tricks that keep them at the top of their game — and can inspire you to up yours.

Pick a hot shot for our next month's profile:

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