Which Popular Duck Are You?

Ever wondered if you were as sassy as Daffy duck? Or as smarty-pants as Scrooge McDuck? Well, wonder no more, my friends.

Bruce adLEE
Created by Bruce adLEE (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 25, 2018

QUACK. OK first off, what's your favorite color?

QUACK.QUACK. It's Lunch time! What to eat?

What would your duck mates describe you as?

FLAP FLAP. It's the duck fairy! What do you wish for?


Donald Duck

Donald Duck

Aw phooey!

Congratulations mate, you're one of the most famous ducks around! You're a generally happy duck but your temper is about as short as your pants. You're not very social, but not because you're shy. You think everyone is out to get you because of your increasing bad luck. But despite it all, everyone loves you and you're one of the coolest guys around to hang out with. Keep quacking!

Daffy Duck

Daffy Duck

you're dis-dis-disgusting!

you are a true daffy at heart. you hate bugs bunny and his stupid catchphrase. you love winning and damn, do you have SASS. though a lot of times, you may lose your temper, I'm not blaming you. keep quackin!

Psy Duck

Psy Duck


Bro, you're a GODDAMN legend. Quack out!

Scrooge Mcduck

Scrooge Mcduck

Salutations Einstein!

Wow, aren't you a genius! You like to invest your time with machines and really work your brain... but your biggest interest is MONEY$$. Yeah, sure, everyone wants to be a millionaire but no duck, I MEAN NO DUCK wants it as bad as you do. Though you are insecure and you believe that all ducks are secretly trying to steal from you, you're a consistent duck that everyone loves.

Daisy Duck

Daisy Duck

'Sup cutie!

You're really girly and sweet, but that ain't stopping you from bashing people up! You have a strong personality(and a physical body,too) you like to accessorize and flashing those long eyelashes. though sometimes you can be too bold and bossy, you rock, gurl! (or guy, which is really awkward if you got this as a result.)

Rubber duckie

Rubber duckie

Ahh a simpleton.

You're a simple-minded duck who probably has a plain glazed donut every time you check in on the donut store. You're not an extrovert, and you're definitely not an introvert either. You never stand out in the crowd (though you sometimes crave attention), you sort of float through the crowd. You are very relaxed on the outside but worry about hell on the inside. You have a bubbly personality, but choose only sometimes to be bubbly. Though you change your moods A LOT, you actually have a SUPER creative mind and are one of the coolest ducks in history.

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