Only 5% Of People Know These Facts About The Planet We Call Home

You live on Earth, but how much do you really know about this blue planet you call home?

Created by LordMarvelous (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 28, 2017
1 / 13

What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by water?

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What percentage of Earth's water is saltwater?

3 / 13

How many layers is the Earth made up of?

4 / 13

The Earth's rotation is...

5 / 13

The Earth is estimated to be how old?

6 / 13

What is the Earth's radius?

7 / 13

Earth is named after...

8 / 13

How many times a day does lightning strike the Earth?

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What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is oxygen?

10 / 13

How many continents are on the Earth?

11 / 13

Where is the largest body of Earth's fresh water located?

12 / 13

What's the deepest natural place on Earth?

13 / 13

What is the tallest mountain on Earth?

Questions left
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