8 Painful Things You Need To Understand About People Who Have A Plastic Surgery Addiction

It's not all cut and dry.

Sebastian Knight
Created by Sebastian Knight
On Mar 29, 2017

Cosmetic surgery addiction can be caused by a psychological condition called body dysmorphic disorder.


It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with looks, and more about the way a person perceives him or her self.


In our image obsessed society, plastic surgery addiction is also increasingly common as we strive for ultimate beauty.


Plastic surgery addiction is no laughing matter. Unlike other forms of addiction, this is still a ridiculed condition that should be treated much more seriously.


There are several signs that can point to plastic surgery dependence, such as spending outrageous amounts of money on unnecessary cosmetic procedures, or fixating on a single "fault" in their body.


Is there a cure? No. It's a daily struggle.


The only real treatment for plastic surgery addiction is working hard on yourself and being exposed to an environment of love and acceptance.


If you or someone you know is suffering from plastic surgery addiction, please call (866) 206-8656 for immediate assistance in finding a Los Angeles Treatment Center.

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