Can We Guess Your Personality Based On Which Cult Classics You've Seen?

Do you know these famous films, or are you uncultured in cult classics?

Sam Brick
Created by Sam Brick
On May 28, 2015

Which film is this image from?

What does this pink soap remind you of?

In which film does Natalie Portman go bald?

Which film is this scene from?

How about this one?

Which film's soundtrack is this song on?

Which film is this quote from?

Which movie is this from?

How about this?

Which film is this quote from?

Which movie is this film?

Which Napoleon Dynamite character is this?

The Cultural Connoisseur

The Cultural Connoisseur

You are a cultural connoisseur! You know everything there is to know about film, art, food, fashion and more.

You are creative, imaginative and deep. You have dabbled in many forms of expression such as poetry, music and drama.

You are highly perceptive of other people's behavior and you are able to read them within minutes of meeting. People in your life trust and adore you because you put all of your energy into your relationships. This can sometimes harm you since you are temperamental and go from one extreme to another, but you are a passionate individual and a sensitive artiste!

The Go Getter

The Go Getter

You are the go getter. You lead an extremely busy lifestyle which is probably why you haven't seen very many cult classic films.

You are someone who is always on the go trying to maintain a balance between your career, family and personal life. You are very intellectual and also spend a lot of time doing physical activity. All in all you are a very type A personality who puts a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed.

The Rational Intellectual

The Rational Intellectual

You are the intellectual traditionalist. You are more of an introvert who spends your time immersed in your career or studies.

Your mind works very rationally or logically and you prefer things like science, politics and math over art, literature and drama.

Although you tend to be a serious person, you have subtle yet charming wit and a vibrant personality that people grow to love after getting to know you.

The Social Butterfly

The Social Butterfly

You are the social butterfly! You are very extroverted and love being surrounded by people.

Although you are outgoing and opinionated, you also have a soft and sensitive side. You are very goal oriented and work extremely hard at something you want to achieve. People adore you and come to you for advice because you are wise beyond your years.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021