Which Instagram Famous Dog Are You?

Are you a Digby or a Doug? A Marnie or a Manny? Find out which Instagram famous dog you are!

Ryan Adcock
Created by Ryan Adcock(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Of the following outfits, which one would you be most likely to wear to a fancy dress party?

At an all you can eat buffet, which food are you more likely to eat first?

It's Netflix time, what show do you watch?

You find five dollars on the street, what do you spend it on?

What is your favourite smell?

What is your favourite type of exercise?

What option best describes your phone's photo roll?

It's Valentine's Day, where are you?

You are Crusoe The Celebrity Dachshund!

You are Crusoe The Celebrity Dachshund!

Calm, cute, collected and a serious over-achiever you have been known to use your wits (and serious good looks) to your advantage - hence why you're so dang successful! You love dress-ups, costumes and the occasional hot dog!

You are Operation Sumo!

You are Operation Sumo!

Despite your ruff exterior, you are actually a charming and sweet individual with a heart of gold. Your look is always on point and wardrobe is... progressive. You've been known to inhale the occasional donut (or forty five) and you're not ashamed to flaunt that bodacious bod of yours.

You are Toby Little Dude

You are Toby Little Dude

Your glasses may not be prescription but dog damn you are pulling them off! You are on a strict avocado on toast diet and your Instagram feed proves it. Despite the severe quantities of hipster blood running through your veins you are actually quite adorable and an absolute sweetie. Easy on the eyes with the style and chatter to match, you can be a real heart-breaker somtimes... so please, be gentle with us.

You are Doug The Pug!

You are Doug The Pug!

Sweat pant enthusiast, pizza addict, Netflix connoisseur... these are all terms people would use to describe you. Let it be said that you certainly know how to 'take it easy' - in fact, legend has it that you actually invented the art of 'chilling out'. Social interactions? More like social anxiety. 'Pls don't talk to me' races through your head at least twenty times a day. Despite all this you are extremely endearing and have a positive impact on any and everyone you meet. Let's also not forget that in those rare times you exit your den you are extremely well dressed. Holla.

You are Digby & Alo Van Winkle!

You are Digby & Alo Van Winkle!

Did it just get hot in here? Oh, that's just you. You have over 1000 Tinder matches and at least twenty-five real life proposals under your belt. You're just so dang love-able. Not one to sweat the small stuff, your chilled demeanor attracts people like flies. That acoustic guitar you play so sweetly doesn't hurt either. Can I have yo numba?

You are Manny The Frenchie!

You are Manny The Frenchie!

Mother Theresa roll over, there's a new philanthropist in town: you. Certified 'good guy' (or girl!) you are always going out of your way to help others and it truly shows with that shiny halo above your head. With your karma level currently set on 'fallen angel' it's no wonder you're as cute as they come and just as charming. Go you!

You are Marnie The Dog!

You are Marnie The Dog!

Mate, you're as derpy as they come... and that's why we love you! You might not always say the right thing and sometimes you sneeze at really inappropriate moments... repeatedly, but we could never blame you for it - in fact that's what makes you so endearing. A real go-getter with an infectiously positive 'tude, we totally want to roll with you.

You are Mensweardog

You are Mensweardog

Sauve, sophisticated, alarmingly good looking (for a canine that is) - you are the dog equivalent of all James Bonds melted into one. Your style is impeccable and your haircut is always trimmed neatly to perfection. Conspiracy theorists spend hours researching your origins as it has yet to be confirmed that you're actually not some sort of alien god. Partial to the odd martini, the first shout is always on you... so what are we waiting for? Suit up!

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