What's Your Intimacy Type?

Do you know, in your heart of hearts?

Rosemary Hoyt
Created by Rosemary Hoyt
On Dec 1, 2016

The Innovative Thinker

The Innovative Thinker

Superficially, this is the category that gets written off in every movie you'v ever seen. The "Nerds" are always classified as either quiet, intelligent types or the "geeky perma-best-friend" - When in reality they make some of the best partners in life anyone could ever ask for. You are not only attracted to a strong mind and an intellectual equal, but to someone who is simply "themself" and not trying to be anything more - or anything less. Your own personal hobbies and active imagination have you seeking out the same in others, and we're willing to bet it's either worked out swell in the past - or will for you very soon!

The Sensual Beauty

The Sensual Beauty

Ever watched a romantic film? Of course you have, and the "Beauties" are always the lead-types that leave us wondering, as Emma Stone once asked, "Are you photoshopped?" - Fair question aside, it is often assumed that the attraction to physical beauty and social status in others is "shallow and pedantic". This is only true if it is ALL you seek in others, but for you this is simply not true. Yes, you value and are deeply attracted to beautiful people - but who isn't? Confidence is key in the world of dating and relationships, period. Your self confidence ranks high, and you look for this in others: For the "Beauty" not only refers to outward appearances, but inner-being as well.

The Wild Rebel

The Wild Rebel

One of those classic tropes used to describe a person with societal "daddy issues", the aura of the "Rebel" goes far beyond that, and can be used to describe a very real type of potential partner. Your results show a specific attraction to not superficial danger, but to risk-taking and non-conformity. Some may write this off as a passing lust for the bad boy/girl, but for you it stems from a deep sense of pride in being on the "outside" of the norm - a unique individual who chooses their own path and values the same courage in others.

The Mysterious Artist

The Mysterious Artist

If history has shown us anything, it is that the love of two talented souls can shape civilizations and prove something worth building monuments to. As an artist yourself, you seek the same creative potential in others and (even if you're not aware of it) place this as a high priority in potential partners. Creative individuals are, more often than not, hyper-sensitive, empathetic, and highly intelligent on levels others often overlook - all of which becomes extremely important when forming emotional connections for a meaningful relationship. The seas are usually much more choppy for a would-be couple of artists, but once the storm of "maybes" passes and the eventual calmness sets sail - you've found someone who will fulfill you for a lifetime.

The Passionately Driven

The Passionately Driven

A term usually associated with "those people" in college - the term "Prep" has a much more flattering and meaningful origin than frat parties. Your active mind and lifestyle drive you to find the same in others, leading your ideal type to be that of driven and focused individuals. You find yourself attracted to success and business oriented partners, someone who will go on mile-long runs, backpacking adventures, or tackle an entire city via bicycle - all whilst remaining committed to a successful career. The value of security and worth is immeasurable to you, even if it is subconscious. Life is too short to be left behind, and you seek individuals who are anything-but.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021