Which Character Are You In Monty Python's Life Of Brian?

There is a cast of hundreds in one of the funniest films ever made mainly played by just the Six Pythons, but which of these wonderful and hilarious characters do you most resemble? Let's find out .....

Robert Bell
Created by Robert Bell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

If you ever were mistaken for someone else, which of these would you like it to be?

You open the windows naked to discover thousands of people outside your window idolizing you, what are you going to do?

Which of these "rich imperialistic titbits" would you choose as a snack watching gladiator fights?

Which of these do you think was the most important thing "The Romans gave us"?

Which of these would you say is the naughtiest thing for a boy to do?

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Which of these names is the funniest?

Pick a Sacred Sign .....

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How much do you "Always look on the bright side of life"?

You are Brian

You are Brian

You most resemble Brian Cohen.
All you ever wanted was an easy life and what happens?
Well what happened was everyone thinks you're very special and why not you are very special ... you are a survivor, a strong believer in justice and loyal to the core.
Blessed with the patience of a saint we salute you ......

You are Mandy

You are Mandy

You most resemble Mandy Cohen.
You are beautiful both on the inside and the outside, you are the ultimate mentor and role model for all who meet you.
Strong, intelligent and able to see through the deception and lies of others, you will never have the wool pulled over your eyes, we salute you ......

You are Pontius Pilate

You are Pontius Pilate

You most resemble Pontius Pilate.
You are a born leader, though some may snigger and wish you tripped over and accidentally threw yourself to the floor..
You fear nobody and are full of self-assurance, no matter what slings are thrown at you, you'll rise above the throng and win in the end, we salute you .....

You are Reg

You are Reg

You most resemble Reg.
You have a strong sense of justice and a loyalty to the cause, in fact lots of causes.
You are a true leader, someone who makes plans for the future which sadly nobody else quite manages to see through. But you don't care because you just keep making more plans, because you know with your immense inner-fortitude one day you will inevitably win out, we salute you .....

You are Biggus Dickus

You are Biggus Dickus

You most resemble Biggus Dickus.
They're are 2 main things one can say about you, one you are Big and two you are a **** (obscured due to age constraints)
You are one of life's mysteries, someone who nobody can really decipher, someone who sweeps majestically through life without a care in the world, we salute you .....

You are Mr Cheeky

You are Mr Cheeky

You most resemble Mr Cheeky.
You are hilarious, always there to lighten the mood and see the funny side of life.
You are always fun to be around, maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but hey, it's their loss.
If only more people were like you the World would be a far happier place, we salute you ......

You are Judith

You are Judith

You most resemble Judith Iscariot.
You are a deep thinker, a renegade and some would say a rebel.
You are clever and unashamedly alluring.
You know what you want and are not afraid to use every means available to reach your goal, we salute you ....

You are the Jailer

You are the Jailer

You most resemble the Jailer.
You are highly intelligent but love to hide great intelligence from the World, for what reason we really have no idea.
It's time to step up and show everyone your wonderful attributes, to stop hiding behind a bushel. Burn that bushel to the ground, walk through that fire, it's time to kick ass, we salute you ......

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