Japan Becomes A Magical Place At Night And This Photographer Proves It

It's like another world.

Robbie Lindenbrook
Created by Robbie Lindenbrook
On Jan 19, 2016

Masashi Wakui is a talented and self-taught photographer from Japan. He uses high-performance compact cameras and an array of editing tools to manipulate light and create these surreal scenes.


Wakui's eye for framing a shot is natural and instinctual, making his images that much more pleasing to the eye.


Doesn't this look straight out of a modern fairy tale?


We can't get enough of his work!


You can check out Masashi's Tumblr here: http://masa-photo.tumblr.com/


We loved these shots and wanted to share it with you. The original story can be seen on Bored Panda here: http://bit.ly/20c35LE

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021