Six Inventions That Will Revolutionize Your Showers Forever

Honestly who wants to get out of the shower in the morning? With these things, you'll never leave!

Richard Mahoney
Created by Richard Mahoney
On Feb 23, 2016

Thought Saver Razor!

You know, so you'll never forget any of those "genius" ideas you have in the shower.


Shampoo Review!

A recording device so you can capture all of your fantastic shower performances and watch them back. You may or may not like what you see!


Karaoke Shower Head!

Make every shower time a party!


Mascleara-an attachment that contains make up remover!

Avoid that post make-up "ring" look with a shower head attachment that contains make-up remover


Hair Pair! ID rouge hairs in your bathtub!

Never have another argument with your roommates again. Now you have evidence. Now you win, every time.


A New Loofah!

No, really. Just a new loofah. Just a standard loofah, that you use to clean yourself. Get a new one. It'll change your whole shower experience. Seriously. Live the dream.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021