14 'Sexy' Halloween Costumes Nobody Was Asking For

When did Halloween costumes start to look like something from the costume department of a politically incorrect porno?

Reginald Beaumont III
Created by Reginald Beaumont III
On Apr 13, 2017

"Sexy" Poop Emoji

Yep, somebody in marketing actually thought a piece of poop could be sexy. Think about that for a second, poop... sexy.


"Sexy" Donald Trump

Somebody in marketing actually thought a piece of poop could be sexy... oh wait, this is sexy Donald Trump. Ah, same difference really.


"Sexy" Dory

Remember when you went to see Finding Dory over the summer and thought "Damn, that would be sexy Halloween costume"? No? Neither did we.


"Sexy" Ali Hamilton

Hamilton was a big musical, so naturally it warranted a sexy costume version. Because nothing's sexier than a founding father with a powdered wig.


"Sexy" Harambe

Harambe would have wanted to become a sexy Halloween costume.


"Sexy" Ebola Worker

I don't know about you, but nothing says "sexy" to me more than deadly disease outbreaks.


"Sexy" Hacker

I'd bet a $1,000 no hacker in the history of computer hacking has ever looked even remotely like this model.


"Sexy" Elmo

Certain things lend themselves well to the "sexy costume" category: nurse, cat, French maid. Elmo is not, nor has ever been sexy.


"Sexy" Hillary Clinton

Not even Bill Clinton would find this costume remotely sexy.


"Sexy" Muslim

Yikes! Sexy Muslim woman just passed sexy Native American for most racially offensive costume.


"Sexy Snapchat

This one's actually somewhat sexy until you hit that dog mask then it just becomes really, really weird.


"Sexy" Bernie Sanders

Nothing sexier than a 70-something bald Jewish man from Brooklyn, am I right?


Sexy Ken Bone

Nobody ever asked for a sexy Ken Bone costume, but we got one anyways.


Donald Trump's Border Wall

Cut this bodysuit up into a mini skirt and an unrealistic campaign promise just became a sexy Halloween costume.

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