This Guys Dad Reflexes Are So Epic That He's Clearly Actually Super Dad!

All dads are heroes; this dad kicks ass.

Randy Marsh
Created by Randy Marsh
On Jun 29, 2016

If you're a Dad, you have Dad reflexes. You have them so that you can keep your children alive,because kids fall off of things, and into things, and through things...

Didn't even look up. Dad reflexes for the win.


Competition is tough for 'Most Epic Dad Reflexes", just watch this Dad..

Honestly this is seriously impressive...


But we've found the guy, and his name is Shaun Cunningham. He's just an average dad, with epic Dad reflexes.



Shaun is a paramedic, which means he spends his days having to make quick decisions to keep people safe.

Some might call that an unfair advantage, but we think it's extra heroic.


Well done Shaun. You're a true American hero.

Shaun needs to consider a career in the MBA...

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021