This Hero German Shepherd Just Rescued His Whole Family From A Burning Building!

Someone is seriously a "good boy!"

Rachel Green
Created by Rachel Green
On Aug 8, 2016

The humans may have been sleeping, but Maxx, the family German Shepherd, knew something was wrong.
And boy was he right; the house was on fire.

The Feaser House; Orlando, Florida


Firefighters arrived just in time and smashed through the front door rescuing Margo Feaser and her husband. Their children were further back in the house, and Maxx stepped up to the plate, leading firefighters to the two children's' bedroom

All in a day's work, eh Maxx?!


The children weren't breathing when Maxx found them, but all four humans and Maxx himself are okay and recovering nicely. Maxx did so well that the Seminole County Sheriff gave him credit in a public statement; 'Maxx, the family dog, is credited with assisting firefighters through the heavy smoke to the location of each of the two children'. Maxx; a very good boy indeed!

I bet someone is about to get some serious treats when he gets home!

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