Could You Pass Transfiguration 101?

In Transfiguration you have to get it exactly right, Transfiguration is more scientific. Do you think you can do it?

Quentin Compson
Created by Quentin Compson
On Mar 26, 2019

You're a wizard at this!

You're a wizard at this!

WOW! You're a true Transfiguration wizard! Transfiguration is regarded as "very hard work" and is more scientific than any other form of magic and you have managed to master it! Now go conjure a pair of slippers out of a bunny or a dinner plate into a mushroom to show off your slick skills!

It might be time to go back to class

It might be time to go back to class

Oops, it looks like it might be time to whip out and review your copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration and brush up on some spells, or you will never pass your O.W.L's on time! Don't worry though, with enough practice, you can totally ace it.

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