QUIZ: Are You More Sansa or Arya Stark?

Which woman of Winterfell are you, really?

Created by PopBuzz
On Jul 24, 2017

Are you a natural born leader or a natual born schemer?

Do you prefer to keep your hair long or short?

What is your revenge style?

Choose a skilled ally to advise you.

You've just escaped a dangerous situation and now you need to make a choice. Do you head North to be close to home, or do you head South to King's landing for revenge?

You must eliminate an adversary. Do you prefer to do it yourself or send someone else to do it?

When it comes to making a plan, are you more impulsive or do you tend to think things through thoroughly?

Would you EVER EVER (ever) want a chance to occupy the Iron Throne?

Are you more like Catelyn or Ned Stark?

Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark

You're more Sansa Stark. You can be outspoken at times, but your strength is how well you observe others. You have an instinct for survival and an extremely tough spirit. People often underestimate you, but you're more cunning than they think.

Arya Stark

Arya Stark

You're Arya Stark. You are impulsive and brave. People know you're tough, smart, and always ready for a fight. You're not a cunning mastermind, but you'll do whatever it takes to survive.

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