How Perceptive Are You?

Test your brain to its limit with this quiz! Think very carefully...

Michal Nachmany
Created by Michal Nachmany (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 12, 2017

Now look carefully at the picture and get ready to test your brain!

What was in the background of the picture in the last question? (Don't look back!)

What accessories was the woman in the previous picture wearing?

What was the third possible answer for the last question?

How many piles of beans was the boy in the last photo countng?

Which word had a typo in the last question?

What color sticky note was NOT on the woman's laptop in the previous picture?

Which of these faces belonged to the woman in the picture of the very first question?

Which of these faces was NOT found in any pictures from this quiz?

How many people were in the first picture?

You're SHARP as a tack!

You're SHARP as a tack!

You ranked in the median percentile for perception skills. Your complex categorizations of spatial and temporal patterns are relevant to real-world expertise. You're a very big picture person and are relatively good at picking up on some of the bigger details, but end up missing the little things. You have some great instincts that help you eliminate the answers you know are wrong but need a bit of a push to get to the answers you're looking for in your memory. You notice things maybe others don't in a way that's completely unique to you, but have a bit of work to do in order to kick it up a notch.

Did we pinpoint your perception right? Or was our quiz too hard? Let us know in the comments!

Your perception skills are still evolving!

Your perception skills are still evolving!

There were more than a few details you missed, but don't worry, that just means you're more of a big picture person. You're in the lower range percentiles for perceptive skills, but you're most likely the kind of person who thinks outside the box and takes note of only what is most important to you, rather than get weighed down by trivial details. We suggest improving your perception and memory by eating brainfood like broccoli and cauliflower and try this quiz again after!

Did we pinpoint your perception right? Or was our quiz too hard? Let us know in the comments!

Flawless perception!!

Flawless perception!!

You're in the top percentile for perception! The complex categorizations of spatial and temporal patterns that you're capable of are very relevant to real-world expertise. You pay attention to details your subconscious doesn't even pick up on and have a gut intuition that helps you hone in to small changes. You're analytical and a natural born problem solver, which helped you correctly recall every detail from the previous questions, even ones you weren't expecting the questions to ask about.

Did we pinpoint your perception right? Or was our quiz too hard? Let us know in the comments!

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