29 People Share The Fastest Ways To Lose All Your Friend

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

Michael Rogers
Created by Michael Rogers
On Nov 1, 2019
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The best time to make friends is before you need them.

I don't know if what I'm going to write down will provide what you are wanting but it happened to me.

I'll narrate what happened. I did lose all my friends. I had no friends. Literally none. just knew some random classmates. I'm an introvert and I rarely converse with anyone. One fine day on an online platform I became friends with a person on an online platform. The person was from my nearby area. I feel in love with the person. We were very similar, except one thing: the person had many friends. Soon I had twenties of friends. Enjoying my time , enjoying life. It was amazing. I thought we all were friends for life. We used to say we could die for each other. I really was emotionally attached to all of them equally to the person.

(..... But something happened one day ....... ) I'm not going to say what happened because that's not the context of the question.

The person left me. The friendship with the person lasted for exactly 6 months. Slowly slowly the friends for whom I was ready to even give my life away vanished from my life. Within one year I lost all my (so called) friends. I'm alone again. I am really sad because life is really unfair. I guess that's the fastest way to lose friends permanently. Coz this change is irreversible. :)



11 Ways

  1. Be actually depressed
  2. Have anxiety
  3. Try not to tell anyone and freak out when they ask.
  4. Have a month or so for a depressive episode then act like nothing happened.
  5. Start being in your head too much.
  6. Only have one thing to talk about (eg. Pets, tv shows, anime, cartoons, school, etc.)
  7. Come from a broken family.
  8. Jump onto any bit of positive attention and cling to it.
  9. Only state bad things about yourself.
  10. Always have an input in any conversation, even if you were never involved in it or the conversation had nothing to do with what you just said.
  11. Be confused about who to be with between your S/O or your best opposite gender friend, who you obviously wanna fucc but don't want to be the bad guy and just want to wait till your S/O fucks up or does something mildly wrong so you can break up with them for fucking something small up and then go fuck your best friend like a little whore you are.. not to be specific.



Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

This is me, I just push everyone away because I sporadically have really negative emotions come up and instead of dealing with them in a healthy way I just bottle it up and then it explodes.

Either I just hide away immediately or I empty out onto someone else and then hide. I’ve ruined my whole life like this, and I’m sure my friends don’t like me anymore because of it. No one sticks around long once they get a taste of the real me. I’ll be alone for the rest of my life and it’s all my fault.



Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?

Stop paying your bills but still take your roommates bill money. Use that money to go partying. Don't spend time with any of your friends for any reason, including major life events, unless there is some cool DJ, musician, or party personality in attendance. Always ditch them for something cooler whenever possible.

Still short on money, get some drugs fronted to you by a creepy older drug dealer/musician. Start cheating on your boyfriend with drug dealer to pay for the drugs he fronted you, that you were supposed to sell but did instead. Develop an addiction to this drug. Contract an STD. Stop showing up to work on time. Come up with weaker and weaker excuses as to why you're not showing up on time, causing your manager (a friend) to feel you're taking advantage of her. Get fired. Run out of money.

Get power to house that you and all of your friends live in, shut off, in July. Deny. Deny. Deny. Get caught red handed, triggering a long period of "discovery" in which everything is exposed.

Run away for a week while your boyfriend and dad move all of your things out of your house, and back to your parents. Call boyfriend saying you're going to kill yourself if he leaves you. Send selfies while driving erratically. Crash car. Get insurance claim denied because you were posting your selfies. Disappear for years.

Show up to a birthday party everyone involved (except your parents) are at, uninvited, get sloppy, and try to sleep with your ex who absolutely dumped you years ago, is engaged, and wants nothing to do with you.



Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.

Becoming homeless will cause most normal people to drop you pretty fast. If that doesn't work staying at their place for more than a few days should finish the job.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger.

Have a friend who became homeless at the turn of the year. He just landed a new apartment after getting his life on track. i have thus had a room mate for close to a year, all it has done is make us better Friends

My apartment is only a 2 room one, so it has been cramped here, but oh well.

Going to miss the bastard :(



It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.

my best friend had a house fire and lost everything he ever had right after graduating, he lived with me for a year, and another close friend who was in need of leaving his abusive family; it depend on the friend. Obviously an exploitative person will take advantage of you, but that's not a friend material.

It's also the attitude of what are you willing to do for your friend. that is why i dislike the work friend, it implies that every person unrelated to you is a "friend" while actually being more of an acquaintance that you know a bit more about. Also if you're at a time of need and your contact "dropout" on you, those were never true friends anyway, more like a temporal comfort zones. A glorified acquaintance.



Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.

Here goes:

1.) Realize that you’re usually the one that initiates hanging out
2.) stop initiating to see if anyone actually thinks of you
3.) no one thinks of you and doesn’t hit you up
4.) slowly ghost out of the friend group because you weren’t that important anyway
5.) “friends” don’t notice nor care
Edit: secret step number 6.) develop social anxiety as a result and be unable to truly trust anybody

Thanks to the random stranger for awarding my social ineptitude with my first ever silver! Also some people have been saying that this happens cuz I’d be the initiator/extrovert of the group but tbh I’m like an extreme introvert. I definitely wasn’t the leader of the group, just someone who wasn’t invited to everything and was lonely every once in a while. Plus, I grew away from these friends anyway; different interests and morals etc so I’ve been hanging out with people who are more like me. It worked out for the best (for me at least). Y’all out there stay strong :)



It is the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.

Go up to your entire group of friends and say "I'm smarter than all of you" in all seriousness, then post on Facebook literally looking for "intelligent friends". He was not joking unfortunately.

Source: Just because douche went to Uni, douche thinks he is better. Douche is failing his Education degree, douche wouldn't stand a second as a teacher and douche literally does it to prove to everyone that he is intelligent? Ehh...

The rest of us (me and 4 others) are beginning to work at the local coal mine. 100k per year as soon as we started, easy certifications and awesome workplace training for other high end jobs. Extra sauce: My uncle is the higher up general manager, his paycheck is a phone number, and soon will ours... Mwhuahahaha... Fuck you Kai.



There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.

You know if that is the case it means you aren't in a close friend circle right? Typically when you have to initiate it means that you just aren't a priority in their social life.

It can be an okay thing, for me at-least. I'd rather have some friends that are close and some that are far because people will move closer and further over time. It's a natrual part of life and you shouldn't take it too personal because it's effectively you isolating yourself from people who probably fo care.

You do you but know some people will also push others away as a result of mental health issues or bad habits built from childhood.


I recently realised that everytime ive seen my old friends in the last six years, except for one birthday invite, i have been the one reaching out. Every restaurant meal, hang out, online gaming session or event ive attended, i had to initiate.

I know for a fact that if i stopped, my social life would collapse and people would simply forget i exist.

Its hard not to see yourself as a burden on people. Are they happy to see me, or am i just forcing people to do things they wouldnt do normally?



A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.

My best friend died of cancer in 2015. One day we had a conversation about how when you get sick with a potentially terminal disease like that, right off the bat everyone starts mourning you and trying to make up time with you. They offer their time, money, and energy to make sure they feel okay about you dying. And then when you don’t die...?

They stop calling to see how you are, they don’t answer the phone anymore (“just like they used to”), and they treat you like you’re already dead. So when he was fighting the hardest part of his illness, once it actually did become terminal, no one but me (not bragging so please don’t think that) and his family still around. Now the funeral?! 1000 people showed up to mourn and grieve him.

But 6 months prior? Just me and my friend listening to Radiohead and eating jelly beans while he laid in a hospital bed. I don’t regret that time at all and I’m glad we got to hang out and have the conversations that we did. But I hate that before he died he ever had to feel any more sadness than he already did knowing he was going to leave a wife and two little boys behind.



Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way.

A girl I went to school with lost all her friends a year after we finished. How?

She made a video titled "Grace Offends Her Friends" and spent half an hour insulting them and proceeded to send it to her group chat. The most hilarious part was she criticized them for not being independent enough since they all lived at home (except two of them didn't) and she did this while putting on makeup for her McDonald's job interview.

But what makes it especially funny was that her parents paid for her to go to uni in the US (we're Australian) so she had never been independent to begin with. Oh and she also threw a tantrum when her (now ex) best friend said that she was rich.

Since the video was half an hour there was so much more, but that's the gist of it.



People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

Start avoiding them to spend more time alone with your S/O

I get it, couples want to spend time with each other. It’s expected and it’s a natural desire. What I don’t get (and get tired of) are the friends’ who have to always do things together with their SO (in this case, we’ll assume the SO usually goes along with the flow) to the point that you can’t even have a “girl’s coffee get together” or a “boy’s game night” without that one friend bringing along their partner. It takes “attached at the hip” to a whole new level. Where two individuals cease to be individuals and end up becoming referred to within the friend group by their hybridized naming mashup, lol.


This was me. I don't know if I regret it or not. Every moment I spent with my ex was like ecstacy. It was comforting. Feeling like as long as I had her, nothing else mattered. Even when my job search was going shit. She wasn't manipulative, in fact she wanted her own space occasionally and I was clingy. I don't regret it because I was really happy. Really really happy. I regret it because I think one of the reasons she left me was because I was suffocating her.



If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.

I had a friend from elementary school I fell out from for stupid shit when we were roommates in college. You know, dishes, front room cleaning up, that sort of dumb shit. It was just mutually toxic, but we were young.

He never wanted to bury the hatchet, no matter how much time had passed. One day, years later, I'm having an ice cream party, and go to the store to pick up some extra cause we ran out. I happened to see him in the parking lot!

With two giant buckets of ice cream, lifted above my head, flanked on all sides by friends I yell:

Hey Donald! Do you want some ice cream‽

And He yelled back:


and walked away without looking back, leaving the rest of us dumbfounded with 6 gallons of extra ice cream.

It was such a strange encounter, everyone heard about it, and nobody who reached out to him since has received even a modicum of cordiality.

So in answer to your question: alienate yourself and refuse to forgive perceived slights even with the benefit of time.



When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.

I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but...On a serious note, I feel like I'm losing all my friends. I'm going through one of the hardest moments of my life, and all my amazing friends are being so understanding, loving and caring... They're always there for me.

But I feel like being so needy is going to make them all go away. That everyone is getting tired of all my problems. I'm such a dark person with such a dark personality. I always feel alone and then I start wondering if anyone really cares about me?

Today I convinced myself that nobody cares because none of my friends texted me. I told myself "if nobody has written me when i of get out of this class, it's because they don't care". And I know I'm being stupid, but it feels so real :(



Becoming An Askhole

Becoming an askhole. What is an askhole? An askhole is someone who always asks for advice when dealing with life's issues, is given good and positive advice, and never once follows through. Yet, the askhole has the audacity to turn around and complain when the issue happens again. Thus, confirming the askhole will then again come asking for advice, and never change. So that. That is a fast way to lose all your friends. Don't be an askhole.



9 Ways

  1. Brag about how big your dick is
  2. talk about how sexy they'd look in a fur suit
  3. talk about money, women, and shoes alot
  4. kill them all in a plane crash or some other vehicular disaster
  5. if your 19 or older obsess over their younger siblings unironically (works best if that sibling is under 18)
  6. rape their dog
  7. tell them that their mom or dad looks hot as fuck and that you'd be down to take her to pound town
  8. sniff them. Alot
  9. join a multi-level marketing scam and sell them useless garbage (you kill two birds with one stone here you not only lose friends but you damage yourself financially as well as ruin your social stability)



"Be an introvert?"

Be an introvert.


Introversion isn't the same thing as being socially unbecoming. You were probably introverted before you met your friends and they probably won't leave you due to it. Redditors need to stop being weird about introversion and stop using as a way to collectively justify their social awkwardness or as a means of avoiding their social anxiety.

You can be introverted and:

Hold a short pleasant conversation

Assert that you need down time.

Hold friendships

Find new friends

Hell, you can even be charismatic and introverted.



A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill requires only our silence; which costs us nothing.

A few years after high school my best friend at the time randomly deleted every single person from her Facebook, except the people she worked with. Some of our mutual friends noticed and messaged me to ask if they did something wrong, which was when I noticed I had been deleted too.

I messaged her and asked what happened and she gave some half assed excuse like she wanted to clear out her Facebook or something and that shes not mad at me or anyone she had deleted. Like prior to this we talked every single day, laughed, got a long great.

Throughout our friendship she had stopped being friends with certain girls when they got boyfriends because "I hate talking to people with boyfriends cause why should they have one and I dont" , and surprise surprise she deleted everyone about a month after I got into my first relationship. In hindsight it's definitely a good thing she deleted me.



The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

ahem, I can finally use my self-destructive nature to benefit me.

First, you should just start critiquing them any chance you get. The more personal the better.

Second, you could start correcting them on things they are correct about, making them get things incorrect. This should especially work if you're in school with them.

Third, you should disagree with them about everything. All their opinions are now wrong in your own opinion. After that, you should somehow convince them that it was there fault for starting the argument.

Fourth, spread rumors. The more rumors you spread the better, if they are based on truths then it should be very helpful in your case. Fifth, frame them for illegal things that you did. Make sure to plant evidence. I find CP is easy to plant on the computer of your victim, As long as you have access to their computer.



Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.

You can always take notes from my ex best-friend:

- never have anything nice to say about anything, ever, except for when you fetishize Min Yoongi from BTS

- steal money from your job and try to get your coworkers to do it too

- call your mother a b/tch and only call your dad when you need money

- "i know you didn't ask, but I bought you this shirt as a gift! it was $45, just pay me back when you get paid."

- cry when people disagree with you or tell you that you can't say offensive and racist shit especially around minorities

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Genuinely hope you don't have to go through that though, it's awful.



Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

I had a friend have some sort of existential crisis. Went from being a bang up gal who could joke with the best of them and always knew how to get along with anyone, to totally insane. She announced she was going vegan (not insane), then started to add other changes.

She decided to no longer drink (not insane), no longer watch any tv, wouldn’t listen to music or podcasts. She didn’t want to talk about anything that even hinted at negativity, too, even when one of our friends was in crisis. Then she asked that we no longer swear around her. Then that we no longer make any joke that was “inappropriate”.

Then we couldn’t even reminisce about any former stories because she was either “staying in the moment” or our “past selves didn’t know better so let’s leave them there.” All of this happened over a month. We supported her wholeheartedly in the early days, but once the swearing/jokes/reminiscing rules came into play, it wasn’t doable anymore.

I’m a sex Ed teacher, my other friend worked at a liquor store. Trying to support our third friend in these new rules felt like we were just losing ourselves. We tried to talk to her about it (very gently, I worried she’d had a break), she blew up and kicked us out the house. So, don’t do that I guess.



72 Hours

Only takes about 72 hours to lose them then it’s a matter of slow consistent life changes to make sure they don’t find you again. Pack a go bag. Take all your savings out in cash. Destroy your cell phone. Drive your car out to the airport and park it in the expensive garage. Keep your head down when leaving. Hitch hike. Don’t fly. Get a ride with a long haul trucker to a far away place. Buy a fake ID and social on the dark web. Dye and cut your hair. Start a new life under a new name. Get a job at a small mom and pop diner off the interstate. Begin taking HGH and working out heavily to change your gate, posture and stature. Pick up a new accent. Stay there about 3 to 6 months. Rinse and repeat for best results. Once you find a location you like use the money you’ve saved along the way to get a nose job for even better, long-term results.



No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.

Well, it all depends on why you're asking. If you're asking because you intend to lose your friends, I simply can't help you. One should never deliberately attempt to hurt someone in a way that would make them not want to be one's friend anymore.

Now, if you're just asking to ask, then what's the point of that? There isn't, really, unless it's for entertainment, and even then, other people taking the time out of their days to talk about something they dislike for your own personal gain is not a healthy practice and, in fact, I must say that this whole concept just irks me.

Anywho, one way to lose your friends easily is to overanalyze things. Good thing I've never done that.



"Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected."

  • Tell yourself you're OK
  • Have self-compassion
  • Trust yourself
  • Learn how feelings arise from needs being met or not met.
  • Understand your own needs, and how to meet them yourself, where possible.
  • Stop needing people or external stimulus to validate you, and instead simply validate yourself.
  • Discover your own mind, how it works, and what you enjoy and DO THAT

  • Have good and firm boundaries with:
  1. Unhealthy behavior
  2. Narcissists
  3. Energy leeches
  4. That one Eeyore in your friend group

You might, however, accidentally find a completely different group of new friends.



You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.

Talking about your negatives in life (such as bad grades in school, appearance flaws) and not considering that your friend might end up comparing themselves to you.

For example, this happens in high school all the time: you got a higher grade on a test than your pal, but you call yourself “stupid” for your mark and basically shame yourself in front of them. The worst part is when the friend states that their mark was in fact worse and you reply with something along the lines of “well that’s just you, we’re different”. It can be offensive and you’ve gotta be careful. Nothing wrong with ranting to a friend, but try to remember how they might feel as well while you’re doing so.



Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Well actually have a former friend who recently did this and I have some examples:

Attempting to cuddle me every time she came to my house when I have a girlfriend

Calling my cat her son

Attempting to text me every single day regardless of whether or not I ignored her

Hugging me every single time she saw me and kissing me on the head

initiating a friends-with-benefits situation with my roommate and being incredibly needy in public

Throwing a massive fit when that roommate gets an official girlfriend who he really loves and yelling at me for "taking away her fuck buddy"

Entering my house unannounced.

Yelling at my friends while they play D&D and I DM

Always being negative every time she came by us other friends hanging out

Always dumping her problems on to everyones lap

Berating people for complaining about having a rough day

Being loud as fuck

Being absolutely obsessed about her appearance to the point where vanity is not a strong enough descriptive word

All of this basically ostracized her from our group. She was even crying to me when I first met her saying that all of her friends always leave her. I wonder why....



Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm & constant.

Bully a child into doing sexual favors for you. My former best friend did this and it was pretty effective at making him friendless. We dropped him like a sack of potatoes after we saw proof he did it. Fuck him man. We weren’t in disbelief of her because she came forward and he initially denied anything had happened, but she showed a year long transcript of snapchats between them that show him trying to convince her to give him sexual favors and then threatening to beat her up if she says anything. Despicable fuck.

We had no idea it was happening under our noses until she spoke up. We took her seriously when she did and decided to send him packing. I told him personally that I was disappointed in him and that what he did was immoral and inhumanly terrible. He responded with “stay in your lane”



One’s friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human.

Just don’t become a part of a friend group. It’s really easy that way because all of your friends have a group they belong too while you don’t. So they don’t really need you. Just wait a while to let them all drift away like they always do. No matter how much you invest into the friendship. No matter if you tell them about your so called ‘friendship curse’.

They will leave anyway. Even if they promise they won’t. Even if you really think you have a connection with them. Clearly you invest way too much in a simple friendship that means nothing to them.




Thread is... bittersweet for me to read.

On one hand it reinforced the love I have for my friends because I did a lot of these things (mental illness, dropped out of school, was homeless, bummed on their sofa, didn't pay rent or bills, stopped talking to them etc) but they're still around after YEARS of putting up with my bullshit. It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly lucky I am to have friends like that.

But I hate so much that there are soooooo many people who had the opposite experience. I hate that friends like this are hard to come by and how easily the people in this thread were abandoned. It's so sad that so many of are relatable to so many people.

Honestly, I'll be friends if anyone needs one.


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