Racial Disparities in Education

Has MLK’s dream of racially equality been achieved in the classroom?

Matthew Fiorentini
Created by Matthew Fiorentini(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 5, 2018
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Andre say

Bro, you won’t believe what just happened



Jeff say

What’s up?



Andre say

I got suspended!



Jeff say

For what?



Andre say

Literally nothing, I asked to go to the bathroom while Mr. G was talking, said I was “Interrupting the learning environment”



Jeff say

That’s awful man



Andre say

It’s my third this trimester…



Jeff say

I don’t even have one since I started high school.

The Facts

As you can see, Andre gets suspended quite a lot and for very light offenses. Andre is African American and his friend Jeff is white. The statistics show that on average 20% of black students receive one or more detentions on the year, opposed to the white percentage which is 6%.

Location of Schools

Where do most minorities attend school?

Calculating results

The answer is in Cities, where the minority percentage is 70% opposed to Rural areas where Whites take up almost exactly the opposite with 71%.

The Facts

Is The Dream A Reality? (Song)

MLK said “I have a dream”
We still sit in class and act like its achieved
But the stats don’t lie
Racism is still institutionalized
Kids of color going to poverty schools
While everyone else sitting pretty and trying to look cool
In the upperclass rooms
We try to end discrimination
But still hit black kids with suspension
They only way to learn is to keep everyone together
Not sending em home and saying see you next September
It’s funny how where we live effects our education
We say its a coincidence that blacks are in the cities
But the real facts come down to the 1960’s
Where we block busted the blacks outta town
So we could get a bang for our buck and move a street down
We’ve created this gap in race but now its time to end this and call it closed case.

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