Which 'Arrow' Character Are You?

Have you failed Star City? Find out by answering the following questions below!!!

Killer Frost
Created by Killer Frost (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 31, 2018
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It's been a long day protecting Star City. What would you like to drink?

Choose an occupation!

Choose a Significant Supporting Character

Where do you wanna live in?

Favorite Villain?

Which of these 'Avengers' character you like?

If you had to become best friends with one of these, who would you choose?

What is your source of transportation?

Favorite 'Ship' of Arrow?

Finally, which is your favorite movie series?

Oliver Queen

Oliver Queen

Mysterious and charming, some might think of you as just another pretty face, but underneath it all you are a true hero. Fierce and determined, once you set a goal, the world had better get out of your way. You have trouble letting people in, but once you do, it is an unbreakable bond.

John Diggle

John Diggle

You are cool, calm, and collected. Panicking is not in your system. You have learned the art of always being prepared for extremely challenging situations. You are very disciplined and reliable and that makes you a great friend. Sometimes, it's hard for you to accept your mistakes at first, but you're humble enough to admit them in the end, always thanking the people who kept your head straight when you couldn't. You have a dry sense of humor and great advice packed in your pockets, which is why you are that friend everyone wants to have. You have great strength and resilience in you and, most especially, a heart of gold! You don't always wish for the finest things money can buy and just like living a simple life.

Felicity Smoak

Felicity Smoak

You are always the smartest person in the room, but your kind heart and awkward babbling keep your ego in check. You don’t like confrontation, but when push comes to shove you won’t back down from a challenge. You are extremely compassionate and funny, and you inspire great affection in everyone around you. 

Laurel Lance

Laurel Lance

Emotional and honest, you are an open book. You seek justice and truth in all aspects in your life and have trouble forgiving who don’t live up to your high standards. Be careful, perfection is hard to maintain, and as much as you want to be the rock for everyone around you, you have got to take care of yourself.

Thea Queen

Thea Queen

You are impulsive and sometimes immature, but at your core you are loyal, kind and look for the best in everyone. You like to have a good time, but you are also business minded and shrewd, which can help you make some serious dough. And then you spend it all on clothes.

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