Can You Answer These What If Questions?

How good of a person are you? Answer these what if questions to see your real you! Are you a gold digger? Or are you a person with big heart? Share it with your friends! :) & find out what they get!
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Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

you'll have to sleep alone for the rest of your life.

BUT... every time you pick one up, a human dies on the other side of the world.

BUT... when your watch stops working time stops forever.

BUT... you had to work at McDonalds.

BUT... you had to sacrifice time, sweat and tears to make it.

BUT... you will never be loved.

BUT... you shit yourself every time you kiss someone for the first time.

BUT... you could craft and control your dreams every night.

BUT... you fart continuously for as long as you do it.

BUT... you need to wear a kilt and no underwear for the rest of your life.

BUT... you have to exercise a few times a week.

You Have A Big Heart!

You Have A Big Heart!

Based on your answers, you showed us that you are a lovely person. You enjoy people. You are very welcoming and love to discover new things because that's what defines who you are!

Share it with your friends! :) & find out what they get!
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Have a beautiful day! Smile!

You're A Good Person!

You're A Good Person!

You're the person full of smiles. You define the happiest emoji out there! You enjoy life and don't care of what's next because you're lucky, you always find an easy way in and an easy way out!

Share it with your friends! :) & find out what they get!
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Have a beautiful day! Smile!

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