Famous Landmarks Quiz

How well do you know these famous landmarks? Can you guess which country they are in and prove you have what it takes to be a landmark genius?

Created by Luxtripper (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 26, 2015
1 / 10

Let's start off with an easy one! Where is this famous clock?

2 / 10

This giant temple was formed in 600AD but where is it?

3 / 10

This grand hotel cost £650 million to construct! Which country hosts this great landmark?

4 / 10

This 277 mile long chasm is quite impressive but which country hosts this landmark?

5 / 10

This magnificent monument was designed to resemble the cosmic universe. Where in the world could this be?

6 / 10

This large fellow weighs 250 metric tons and is very famous but where is he?

7 / 10

This impressive feature really stands out but where can you see it?

8 / 10

This massive Jesus statue is probably the biggest landmark for this country but where does he keep watch?

9 / 10

This intriguing 1000 year old landmark sits 1000 metres high in which of these locations?

10 / 10

This ancient ruin is 150 metres above sea level but where is this great landmark?

Questions left
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