Are You Actually A Part Of Your Cultural Heritage?

How often do you actually connect to your past? Do you feel a part of your culture or are you more part of the modern world than you think?

Created by Lp1987
On Apr 8, 2019
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Do you know where your grandparents were born?

Would you consider yourself one nationality?

Do you ever feel like you miss a sense of belonging?

Are you of mixed heritage?

Do you practice anything traditional from your roots?

How did you discover your heritage?

Would you identify yourself as cultural?

How much of a stereotype would you call yourself?

How do you identify yourself when people ask?

Where do you feel most at home?

Cultural Patriot

Cultural Patriot

You are a part of your culture in every sense of the word. You stick true to your roots and origins and love that you celebrate where you are from and what your ancestral past is. You love to educate others, share and inform the world of where you are from and what your identity is. You are a real cultural patriot and we celebrate your dignity.

Cultural Awareness

Cultural Awareness

You are culturally aware of your roots but you do not know the whole history. You forget to trace back to your full past but you do know your heritage and where you are from. You like to celebrate your identity but you also want to integrate into a society that makes everyone one. History teaches us so delving a bit deeper might be a good process but we love that you know you are culturally aware of your story.

Cultural Trip

Cultural Trip

You do not see a cultural identity in your life and prefer to integrate into modern city life. You don't know where you are from or what your cultural identity is and you are fine with this. You prefer to just be and discover along the way. You are on a cultural trip in every sense of the word so just enjoy the ride.

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