This Image Test Will Reveal What You Will Accomplish In 2019

The new year is all about resolutions. What will you accomplish, what will you do with a fresh start? This test will give you an idea of what you might accomplish in 2019.

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Feb 25, 2019
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Choose a house:

Choose a pond:

Choose a whale:

Choose a giraffe:

Choose a rhino:

Choose a road:

Choose a leaf:

Choose a cloud:

You will unravel a new talent!

You will unravel a new talent!

This year will present you with opportunities that will make you discover and hone a new talent. You never know, it may just change your career and your life. It could be basket weaving, singing, dancing etc. Let your imagination and creativity fly, you'll never know where it'll take you.

You will finally travel to where you've always wanted to travel.

You will finally travel to where you've always wanted to travel.

You've been dreaming about a certain destination and you know exactly the place I'm talking about. You will finally get to go where you want to go this year. How exciting!

You will accomplish something big with your career.

You will accomplish something big with your career.

Whether it's a promotion or leading a big project, you will be the big cheese at work this year! All of your prior hard work will pay off and you'll be shining in the spotlight pretty much all year. So get ready for some praise!

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